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引用本文:杨希,马航,张力智,宋科. 迁徙中的承袭、交融与分异——广东客家建筑与聚落形态时空发展解析[J]. 地理研究, 2021, 40(4): 958-976. DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020200282
作者姓名:杨希  马航  张力智  宋科
作者单位:哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院,深圳 518055
摘    要:
客家是一支在一定时期内处于流迁状态的民系。在其迁徙过程中,宗族组织化的群体自身的文化惯性对撞地理环境与社会环境的差异,使客家民系对于生存空间关系的处理呈现多样的态度。为厘清广东主要客居地内不同传统客家村居形态之间的关联性及其发展脉络,本研究从类型学角度,分别在微观建筑形态与中观聚落格局两个层面,依据关键空间属性来划分空间形制的基本类型,并整理比较建筑类型与聚落类型的地理分布。而后,从历史地理学角度挖掘客家民系在广东省内的流迁历程,并顺沿多条流迁动线分别探讨不同建筑类型、不同聚落类型之间的承袭、交融与分异关系,进而得出以下结论:① 在“建筑”与“聚落”两个尺度层面上的空间营造活动中,建筑形制决策倾向于依附民系内生文化,聚落模式决策倾向于呼应局域地区的社会经济与自然环境;② 在沿迁徙路径的时空推移过程中,主要建筑类型沿主干河流由上游向中下游传播承袭,韩江水系和东江水系之间的支线水陆途径促进了建筑类型在规模、围合防卫程度、聚合组织形式等方面的渐变过渡;③ 相对于客家文化核心区,“广府-客家”“福姥-客家”文化锋面上客家建筑“中轴”对空间组织的主导力发生急剧弱化,意味着宗族组织出现扁平化的变化态势,主要表现为该地带宗族“房系”发达度下降,以及宗祠的经济文化凝聚力衰退;④ 从空间概念的历时性承袭与发展视角来看,空间形态控制性基因应为明确的“属性”化因子,而非具象化要素,聚居空间的基因分析,应当分别基于“人”“地”的不同线索,探索不同尺度人居空间形态的控制因子。

关 键 词:广东客家  建筑形态  聚落格局  承续性  过渡性  分异性  

Inheritance,fusion, and variation during migration: An analysis of spatio-temporal morphological development of traditional Guangdong Hakka architecture and settlements
YANG Xi,MA Hang,ZHANG Lizhi,SONG Ke. Inheritance,fusion, and variation during migration: An analysis of spatio-temporal morphological development of traditional Guangdong Hakka architecture and settlements[J]. Geographical Research, 2021, 40(4): 958-976. DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020200282
Authors:YANG Xi  MA Hang  ZHANG Lizhi  SONG Ke
Affiliation:School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen 518055, China
Hakka, categorized as a subclass of the Han majority, was in a state of migration for a certain period of time. During their migration, the cultural inertia rooted in the clan-based group collided with different geographical and social environments, which has made the Hakka people's different attitudes in the decision-making for living space. To clarify the morphological development of traditional Hakka villages in the main residential areas of Guangdong, and analyze the correlations between different village types, this study, from the perspective of typology, differentiated basic spatial types based on key spatial attributes in two aspects of micro architectural form and meso settlement layout. Then, the geographical distribution of different spatial types in the two aspects was marked and compared. From the perspective of historical geography, the Hakka's migration course within Guangdong and the relationship of inheritance, fusion and variation among different architectural forms and settlement layouts were explored through the clues of Hakka's migration routes in Guangdong. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) In the spatial construction on different scales of architecture and settlements, the decision-making for architectural forms was subject to people's endogenous culture, while settlement layouts tended to echo the local condition of society, economy and natural environment; (2) In the spatio-temporal process of Hakka's migration, the main building types spread and inherited from the upstream to the middle and downstream along major rivers, and the tributaries and routes between Hanjiang River system and Dongjiang River system promoted the gradual transition of building types with respect to the architectural scale, the degree of defense, and the patterns of spatial organization; (3) Compared with the core area of Hakka culture, the domination in the spatial organization of the central axis of Cantonese-Hakka and Chaoshan-Hakka architecture which is at the culture front has been dramatically weakened, which indicates the mutation in the clan organization towards a delayering trend with the recession in the clan branches, and in the economic and cultural cohesion of the ancestral hall; (4) From the point of the diachronic inheritance and development of spatial design concept, the control genes of spatial form should be attributed factors rather than concrete ones, and the exploration for morphological control genes on different spatial scales should be based on different clues of human and environment.
Keywords:Guangdong  Hakka  architectural form  settlement layout  inheritance  fusion  variation  
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