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引用本文:何秀玲,叶宁,宣立强. 雷州半岛红树林海区的鱼类种类调查[J]. 广东海洋大学学报, 2003, 23(3): 3-10
作者姓名:何秀玲  叶宁  宣立强
摘    要:对雷州半岛8个红树林分布区设站位进行了生物多样性调查,其中获得鱼类127种,分别隶属于15目58科100属。以鲈形目最多,共27科49属65种,占51.2%。种类出现最多的科为(鱼叚)虎鱼科。采获种类最多的站位为北潭。各站位之间鱼类种类具有一定的差异性。调查获得的鱼类体型偏小,大部分种类具有食用价值,其中16种已为人工增养殖的对象。

关 键 词:红树林  鱼类  种类  雷州半岛

Investigation of Fishes in Mangrove Areas of Leizhou Peninsula
HE Xiu-ling,YE Ning,XUAN Li-qiang. Investigation of Fishes in Mangrove Areas of Leizhou Peninsula[J]. Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University, 2003, 23(3): 3-10
Authors:HE Xiu-ling  YE Ning  XUAN Li-qiang
Abstract:Investigation was carried out at 8 locations in mangrove areas of Leizhou penin- sula for the survey on fish diversities during the period from July 28 to September 10 in 2002, and collected 127 fish species belonging to 15 orders 58 family 100 genus. 27 famib'es 49 genus 65 species of Perci-formes as the dominant order which occupies 51. 2% of the total species catched. Among the famibes, Gobiidae is the largest one. The number of species catched in Beitan is the most. There is difference of fish species component between locations. The bodies of collected fishes are smaller size. Among them, most species are edible, and there are 16 species have been the objects for aquaculture.
Keywords:Mangrove  Fish  Species  Leizhou peninsula  
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