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Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint
Authors:J.L. Lovell  D.L.B. Jupp
  • a CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, GPO Box 1538, Hobart, Tas 7001, Australia
  • b CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, GPO Box 3023, Canberra, ACT 2611, Australia
  • c CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169, Australia
  • Abstract:
    This paper presents a method for using the intensity of returns from a scanning light detection and ranging (lidar) system from a single viewing point to identify the location and measure the diameter of tree stems within a forest. Such instruments are being used for rapid forest inventory and to provide consistent supporting information for airborne lidars. The intensity transect across a tree stem is found to be consistent with a simple model parameterised by the range and diameter of the trunk. The stem diameter is calculated by fitting the model to transect data. The angular span of the stem can also be estimated by using a simple threshold where intensity values are tested against the expected intensity for a stem of given diameter. This is useful when data are insufficient to fit the model or the stem is partially obscured. The process of identifying tree positions and trunk diameters is fully automated and is shown to be successful in identifying a high proportion of trees, including some that are partially obscured from view. The range and bearing to trees are in excellent agreement with field data. Trunk angular span and diameter estimations are well correlated with field measurements at the plot scale. The accuracy of diameter estimation is found to decrease with range from the scanning position and is also reduced for stems subtending small angles (less than twice the scanning resolution) to the instrument. A method for adjusting survey results to compensate for trees missed due to obscuration from the scanning point and the use of angle count methods is found to improve basal area estimates and achieve agreement within 4% of field measurements.
    Keywords:LIDAR   Forestry   Inventory   Laser scanning   Terrestrial
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