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引用本文:万里红,杨武年,李天华,夏涛,简季,刘汉湖. 浅谈QuickBird遥感卫星影像几何精校正[J]. 测绘与空间地理信息, 2007, 30(2): 12-16
作者姓名:万里红  杨武年  李天华  夏涛  简季  刘汉湖
基金项目:国家重点实验室基金 , 高等学校博士学科点专项科研项目
摘    要:QuickBird卫星影像是目前商用高精度遥感图像,因其空间分辨率较高,数据产品格式复杂,目前在实际应用中对其几何精校正(包括正射校正)还存在许多问题。本文就近年来承担有关项目——高精度遥感图像在西藏、云南、四川等地区机场建设工程应用的基础上,探讨了QuickBird卫星影像的几何精校正方法、原理以及高精度正射遥感影像地图制图工艺的关键性技术问题。

关 键 词:QuickBird  高分辨率遥感图像  几何精校正  DEM  正射遥感影像制图

Discussion about Geometry Accurate Rectification for QuickBird Remote Sensing Image
WAN Li-hong,YANG Wu-nian,LI Tian-hua,XIA Tao,JIAN Ji,LIU Han-hu. Discussion about Geometry Accurate Rectification for QuickBird Remote Sensing Image[J]. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 2007, 30(2): 12-16
Authors:WAN Li-hong  YANG Wu-nian  LI Tian-hua  XIA Tao  JIAN Ji  LIU Han-hu
Abstract:The QuickBird satellite image is the high precision commercial remote sensing image.With the high resolution and the complex product types,there are lots of problems about the geometry accurate rectification including the ortho-rectification for the images in the practical application. According to the projects have done recently years,based on the application about using the high precision remote sensing image on the airport construction in Tibet,Yunnan,Sichuan area etc,this paper discusses several methods and principle about the QuickBird remote sensing image geometry rectification and analyzes the key technologic problems in the process of high precision ortho remote sensing image cartography.
Keywords:Quickbird  remote sensing image with high resolution  geometrical accurate rectification  DEM  ortho remote sensing image cartography
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