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Crystal chemistry, surface morphology and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of Fe-rich osumilite from Mt. Arci, Sardinia (Italy)
Authors:Chiara Elmi  Maria Franca Brigatti  Luca Pasquali  Monica Montecchi  Angela Laurora  Daniele Malferrari  Stefano Nannarone
Affiliation:1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Largo S. Eufemia 19, 41121, Modena, Italy
2. Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e dell’Ambiente, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Vignolese 905, 41125, Modena, Italy
3. TASC INFM-CNR Area Science Park, Building MM, S.S. 14, Km 163.5, 34012, Basovizza TS, Italy
Abstract:Microprobe analysis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy were applied on Fe-rich osumilite from the volcanic massif of Mt. Arci, Sardinia, Italy. Osumilite belongs to the space group P6/mcc with unit cell parameters a = 10.1550(6), c = 14.306(1) Å and chemical formula (K0.729)C (Na0.029)B (Si10.498 Al1.502)T1 (Al2.706 Fe 0.294 2+ )T2 (Mg0.735 Mn0.091 Fe 1.184 2+ )AO30. Structure refinement converged at R = 0.0201. Unit cell parameter a is related to octahedral edge length as well as to Fe2+ content, unlike the c parameter which does not seem to be affected by chemical composition. The determination of the amount of each element on the mineral surface, obtained through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy high-resolution spectra in the region of the Si2p, Al2p, Mg1s and Fe2p core levels, suggests that Fe presents Fe2+ oxidation state and octahedral coordination. Two peaks at 103.1 and 100.6 eV can be related to Si4+ and Si1+ components, respectively, both in tetrahedral coordination. The binding energy of Al2p, at 74.5 eV, indicates that Al is mostly present in the distorted T2 site, whereas the Mg peak at 1,305.2 eV suggests that this cation is located at the octahedral site. X-ray absorption at the Fe L2,3-edges confirms that iron is present in the mineral structure, prevalently in the divalent state and at the A octahedral site.
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