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High Energetic Electrons Accelerated by a Coronal Shock Wave
Authors:G. Mann  H.-T. Classen  U. Motschmann  H. Kunow  W. Dröge
Combined SOHO (Solar and Helisopheric Observatory) and ground based radio observations show evidently signatures of electrons accelerated by a shock wave during the event on July 9, 1996. A solar type II radio burst has been received as a signature of a coronal shock wave at 300 MHz on 9:10:54 UT. It was accompanied with electron beams appearing as type III radio bursts below 80 MHz. Simultaneously, the COSTEP (Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer) instrument aboard SOHO has measured enhanced electron fluxes in the range 30 keV – 3 MeV. This indicates that a coronal shock wave was able to produce high energetic electrons. A mechanism of electron acceleration up to relativistic velocities is presented and compared with the observations. The electron acceleration takes place at substructures of quasi-parallel collisionless shocks. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.
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