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引用本文:龚建周,仝川,杨景荣,张鹏. 准格尔丘陵区小流域土地覆盖变化的模型测算及空间位置转换[J]. 干旱区地理, 2006, 29(3): 381-387
作者姓名:龚建周  仝川  杨景荣  张鹏
作者单位:1. 中山大学环境科学与工程学院,广东,广州,510275
2. 福建师范大学地理科学学院,福建,福州,350007
3. 内蒙古遥感中心,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010010
摘    要:基于3个时相的土地覆盖类型图,在GIS的支持下,利用空间模型、数量模型和土地覆盖变化强度指数对内蒙古准格尔丘陵区五分地沟小流域土地覆盖变化进行数量测算,同时以耕地为例进行土地利用类型空间位置变化案例分析。模型测算结果表明:灌木林地、水域、居民点、草地是研究区域转出为其它土地覆盖类型的“敏感”类型;变化强度结果显示,1979-1987年内,草地、沟壑地是变化强度最大的土地覆盖类型;1987-2002年时段内,变化强度较小,反映出人类对于研究区干扰活动的减弱。耕地空间位置转换分析显示,耕地新增面积很大,并呈均匀、离散分布。

关 键 词:土地覆盖变化  模型测算  GIS IKONOS遥感数据  五分地沟流域

Spatial model analysis on the change of land-cover in Wufengdigou Catchment, Junggar Region, Inner Mongolia
GONG Jian-zhou,TONG Chuan,YANG Jing-rong,ZHANG Peng. Spatial model analysis on the change of land-cover in Wufengdigou Catchment, Junggar Region, Inner Mongolia[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2006, 29(3): 381-387
Authors:GONG Jian-zhou  TONG Chuan  YANG Jing-rong  ZHANG Peng
Affiliation:1 Department of Environmental Science and Engincering Science, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China; 2 Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Neimonggu University, Hohhot 010021, Inner Mongolia, China ; 3 The Centre of Remote Sensing of Inner Mogonl Municipality, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia, China
Abstract:Based on the land cover maps of 1979,1987 and 2002, under the support of GIS, the changes of land- cover in the Wufengdigou catchment, Junggar Region were analyzed quantitatively by applying spatial, quantita- tive models and intensity index and by taking the spatial change of cropland as the case for studying. The results showed that the land-cover pattern in the Wufengdigou Catchment has a great change in the period from 1979 to 2002. The cultivated lands had a greater change ratio in the newly-added sources than that of the other conver- sion land cover types. The results also indicated that shrubs, water area, grassland land and residential area are more sensitive land-cover types responding to the change of land in area and location. The intensity of the change of land-cover incurred by human beings was relatively smaller from 1987 to 2002 than that form 1979 to 1987. Cultivated land increased greatly during the examined period and had an equilibrium distribution.
Keywords:land-cover change  calculation using models  GIS  IKONOS data  Wufengdigou Catchment
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