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The shear strength of rock joints in theory and practice
Authors:N. Barton  V. Choubey
Affiliation:(1) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, P. O. Box 40, Taasen, N-Oslo 8, Norway;(2) Department of Geology, Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra, India
Abstract:SummaryThe Shear Strength of Rock Joints in Theory and Practice The paper describes an empirical law of friction for rock joints which can be used both for extrapolating and predicting shear strength data. The equation is based on three index parameters; the joint roughness coefficientJRC, the joint wall compressive strengthJCS, and the residual friction anglephgrr. All these index values can be measured in the laboratory. They can also be measured in the field. Index tests and subsequent shear box tests on more than 100 joint samples have demonstrated thatphgrr can be estimated to within ± 1° for any one of the eight rock types investigated. The mean value of the peak shear strength angle (arctantau/sgrn) for the same 100 joints was estimated to within 1/2°. The exceptionally close prediction of peak strength is made possible by performing self-weight (low stress) sliding tests on blocks with throughgoing joints. The total friction angle (arctantau/sgrn) at which sliding occurs provides an estimate of the joint roughness coefficientJRC. The latter is constant over a range of effective normal stress of at least four orders of magnitude. However, it is found that bothJRC andJCS reduce with increasing joint length. Increasing the length of joint therefore reduces not only the peak shear strength, but also the peak dilation angle and the peak shear stiffness. These important scale effects can be predicted at a fraction of the cost of performing large scale in situ direct shear tests.With 20 Figures
Keywords:shear strength  joint  shear test  friction  compressive strength  weathering  roughness  dilation  stiffness  scale effect  prediction
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