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The magnetic characteristics of returned lunar samples and 5heir implications for regolith processes
Authors:M. Fuller  Yeeming Wu  P. J. Wasilewski
Affiliation:1. Dept. Geological Sciences, UCSB., Santa Barbara, Calif., USA
2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., USA
Abstract:Magnetic observations yield information about the amount and nature of the magnetic phases present in a sample. They reveal that the predominant magnetic phase in the lunar samples is metallic iron which is sometimes alloyed with nickel and cobalt. In the mare basalts less than 0.1% of metallic iron is present, whereas in the non-mare crystalline rocks several percent of iron has been found in some samples. The soils have approximately 0.5% of iron, which is fine grain, rather pure iron occurring in impact glass. In the recrystallized breccias and the igneous rocks the iron is coarser. Systematic minor variations in metallic iron content in the soils reveal soil maturity trends. Mixing between highland and mare soils can be traced with the Fe2+ content. Mare soils differ from highland soils in having a higher value of reduced remanence. The magnetic characteristics of the Apollo 14 breccias are not consistent with the progressive metamorphism of a common starting material. Shock welding in the range of tens of kbs can account for the characteristics of some of the ‘unmetamorphosed’ breccias. Greater shock accompanied by recovery can account for the magnetic characteristics of the ‘recrystallized’ breccias.
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