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Monitoring of small and medium embankment dams onpermafrost in a changing climate
Authors:Rudolf V. Zhang
Affiliation:Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk 677010, Russia
Global climate warming which began in the second half of the twentieth century is continuing. It is associated with increasedrisks for ecological management, especially in permafrost areas comprising over 65% of Russia. Of special concernare dams constructed on permafrost. They are subject not only to climatic impacts, but also to additional hydrothermalloads from water reservoirs. This paper presents the concept of geocryological monitoring of dams and other water resourceprojects and substantiates its necessity in view of climatic change. It also presents methods, scope and implementationof geocryological monitoring at medium and small dams, considering the specific nature of Far Northern areas, aswell as the complicated geotechnical, hydrogeological and permafrost conditions.
Keywords:permafrost   water resources project   embankment dam   climate   geotechnical system   structural stability
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