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Near-source strong motion database catalog for Iran
Authors:Zoya Farajpour  Mehdi Zare  Shahram Pezeshk  Anooshiravan Ansari  Esmael Farzanegan
Affiliation:1.International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES),Tehran,Iran;2.Department of Civil Engineering,The University of Memphis,Memphis,USA;3.Building and Housing Research Center (BHRC),Tehran,Iran
This paper discusses a newly developed high-quality integrated dataset of shallow earthquake ground motions that occurred in Iran, from 1976 to 2013. A total of 860 three-component strong motion records are processed from 183 earthquake events, moment magnitudes 5.0?≤?M w ?≤?7.4, and rupture distances of R RUP   120 km. Strong motion data from Iran having special tectonic features and shallow earthquakes with depths less than 35 km are included. This paper presents a thorough procedure used to collect and to generate a database following the Next-Generation Attenuation-West research projects. This database can be used in the development and ranking of ground motion models and for seismological and engineering hazard and risk analyses. Unprocessed strong motion records are obtained from the Iranian Strong Motion Network (ISMN). The time series collected were thoroughly examined through several rounds of quality reviews. The newly generated database includes the peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-spectral acceleration for the 5% damped with periods ranging from 0.01 to 10 s. The database also includes ground motion information and source characterization and parameters. This study is the near-source compiled ground motion database that can be used for Iran, and it is consistent with standard worldwide databases.
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