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引用本文:周素红,邓丽芳. 基于T-GIS的广州市居民日常活动时空关系[J]. 地理学报, 2010, 65(12): 1454-1463. DOI: 10.11821/xb201012002
作者姓名:周素红  邓丽芳
摘    要:
随着人文主义思潮的兴起和居民生活水平的提高,关于生活质量的改善问题日益受到重视,以研究个体活动时空关系为重点的时间地理学研究也得到发展。T-GIS 能较好地反映和记录个体活动动态过程,为时间地理学的研究提供了新的技术手段。近年来在工业化、城市化、信息化、住房与就业市场化等多重因素的共同作用下,中国城市的内部空间结构发生了急剧的演化,城市居民的日常活动也发生变化,居民微观行为和日常活动组织及社会空间的研究正成为解释城市空间重构及其机制的重要研究视角。本研究结合T-GIS 和时间地理学基本理论,以广州市为案例,利用居民出行日志的问卷调查数据,开发基于ArcGIS 的居民行为链时空分析工具,揭示了典型时间断面居民的空间分布特征和居民日常活动社会分异的的时空关系。结果表明,居民出行行为具有很强的时空关联性。城市中心区在一天不同时间都保持较强的吸引力,成为居民日常活动中各类活动的主要空间载体;城市空间的拓展,改变了部分居民特别是居住在外围街区居民的日常生活习惯;居民的日常活动时空关系存在一定的阶层分化,低阶层日常总体上离开居住地活动的时间最长,但日常活动的活动空间最小,人均月交通费用最低,主要活动空间位于城市中心区和部分传统单位生活区周边;高阶层日常总体上离开居住地活动的时间最短,其活动范围却最大,主要活动空间位于新城市中心区及其周边地区,人均月交通费用最高;中阶层的活动空间相对均衡,交通费用适中。这种时空关联性的分析,有助于揭示居民的日常活动与城市内部空间结构的关系,拓展基于日常活动过程的城市社会空间研究及交通需求评估,为城市规划和管理提供可靠的依据。

关 键 词:日常活动  社会空间  时间地理学  T-GIS  时空  广州

Spatio-temporal Pattern of Residents 'Daily Activities Based on T-GIS:A Case Study in Guangzhou ,China
ZHOU Suhong,DENG Lifang. Spatio-temporal Pattern of Residents 'Daily Activities Based on T-GIS:A Case Study in Guangzhou ,China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(12): 1454-1463. DOI: 10.11821/xb201012002
Authors:ZHOU Suhong  DENG Lifang
Affiliation:School of Geography Science and Planning, Centre for Urban & Regional Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
With the rise of humanism and improvement of living standards, improving the quality of lives is now one of the hot topics, which is also the foremost purpose of Time Geography. The using of T-GIS helps to meet the needs of Time Geography, with a strong requirement of representing the temporal and spatial relations. Based on the theories of T-GIS and Time Geography, the household survey is conducted on people's daily activities and travel logs in Guangzhou, China. A series of functions for recording and representing the spatio-temporal pattern for daily activities and travel chains is developed by VBA secondary development platform of ArcGIS. It is shown that urban center in inner cities is still attractive, which lure a lot of people during the whole day. Residents, especially those who live in suburban areas have to change their daily activity pattern to adapt to the sprawl of the city. The spatio-temporal patterns of residents' activities are different among people who come from different classes. on this basis, three classes are divided. The activity space of lower class is smaller, mostly concentrated in inner city and the area around their residential communities, and their payment for transportation is the lowest. But the activity space of upper class is larger, and most of the activity space is around new center of the city, Their time spending on outdoor activities is well-regulated, and their payment for transportation is the highest. There is a close relationship between resident behavior and urban internal spatial structure, which will provide a reliable basis for urban planning and urban management.
Keywords:daily activity  social space  time geography  T-GIS  spatio-temporal pattern  
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