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The Proterozoic P-T-t Evolution of the Kemp Land Coast, East Antarctica; Constraints from Si-saturated and Si-undersaturated Metapelites
Authors:Halpin, J. A.   White, R. W.   Clarke, G. L.   Kelsey, D. E.
Affiliation:1School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Nsw 2006, Australia
2School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia
3Present Address: Institute of geoscience, University of Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, germany
4Continental Evolution Research Group, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Sa 5005, Australia
Abstract:Integrated metamorphic and geochronological data place new constraintson the metamorphic evolution of a Neoproterozoic orogen in eastAntarctica. Granulite-facies rocks from a 150 km stretch ofthe Kemp Land coast reflect peak conditions involving T {approx} 870–990°Cat P {approx} 7·4–10 kbar, with pressure increasing westwardtowards an Archaean craton. Electron microprobe-derived (Th+ U)–Pb monazite ages from metapelitic assemblages indicatethat the major mineral textures in these rocks developed duringthe c. 940 Ma Rayner Orogeny. Complex compositional zoning inmonazite suggests high-T recrystallization over c. 25 Myr. Diversityin metapelitic reaction textures reflects silica and ferromagnesiancontent: Si-saturated Fe-rich metapelites contain garnet thatis partially pseudomorphed by biotite and sillimanite, whereasSi-saturated Mg-rich metapelites and Si-undersaturated metapeliticpods have reaction microstructures involving cordierite enclosingorthopyroxene, garnet and/or sapphirine, cordierite + sapphirinesymplectites around sillimanite and coarse-grained orthopyroxene+ corundum separated by sapphirine coronae. Interpretationsbased on P–T pseudosections provide integrated bulk-rockconstraints and indicate a clockwise P–T–t pathcharacterized by a post-peak P–T trajectory with dP/dT{approx} 15–20 bar/ °C. This moderately sloped decompressive-coolingP–T path is in contrast to near-isothermal decompressionP–T paths commonly cited for this region of the RaynerComplex, with implications for the post-collisional tectonicresponse of the mid- to lower crust within this orogenic belt. KEY WORDS: electron microprobe monazite dating; granulite facies; Rayner Complex; sapphirine; THERMOCALCMinerals abbreviations: q, quartz; g, garnet; sill, sillimanite; ky, kyanite; opx, orthopyroxene; cd, cordierite; ksp, alkali feldspar; pl, plagioclase; bi, biotite; sp, spinel; ilm, ilmenite; mt, magnetite; ru, rutile; sa, sapphirine; cor, corundum; osm, osumilite; liq, silicate melt; mnz, monazite
Keywords:: electron microprobe monazite dating   granulite facies   Rayner Complex   sapphirine   THERMOCALC
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