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Landslide hazard mapping in the Constantine city,Northeast Algeria using frequency ratio,weighting factor,logistic regression,weights of evidence,and analytical hierarchy process methods
Authors:Hamid Bourenane  Mohamed Said Guettouche  Youcef Bouhadad  Massinissa Braham
Affiliation:1.USTHB, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene Bab Ezzouar,Algiers,Algeria;2.CGS,National Center of Applied Research in Earthquake Engineering,Algiers,Algeria
Abstract:Landslides constitute the most widespread and damaging natural hazards in the Constantine city. They represent a significant constraint to development and urban planning. In order to reduce the risk related to potential landslide, there is a need to develop a comprehensive landslide hazard map (LHM) of the area for an efficient disaster management and for planning development activities. The purpose of this research is to prepare and compare the LHMs of the Constantine city, by applying frequency ratio (FR), weighting factor (Wf), logistic regression (LR), weights of evidence (WOE), and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methods used in a framework of the geographical information system (GIS). Firstly, a landslide inventory map has been prepared based on the interpretation of aerial photographs, high resolution satellite images, fieldwork, and available literature. Secondly, eight landslide-conditioning factors such as lithology, slope, exposure, rainfall, land use, distance to drainage, distance to road, and distance to fault have been considered to establish LHMs using the FR, Wf, LR, WOE, and AHP models in GIS. For verification, the obtained LHMs have been validated comparing the LHMs with the known landslide locations using the receiver operating characteristics curves (ROC). The validated results indicate that the FR method provides more accurate prediction (86.59 %) of LHMs than the WOE (82.38 %), AHP (77.86 %), Wf (77.58 %), and LR (70.45 %) models. On the other hand, the obtained results showed that all the used models in this study provided a good accuracy in predicting landslide hazard in Constantine city. The established maps can be used as useful tools for risk prevention and land use planning in the Constantine region.
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