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引用本文:汤家富,陆三明,李建设,韦导忠. 安徽庐枞火山岩盆地与邻区基底构造变形、形成演化及其对矿床分布的控制[J]. 岩石学报, 2010, 26(9): 2587-2597. DOI: 1000-0569/2010/026(09)-2587-97
作者姓名:汤家富  陆三明  李建设  韦导忠
摘    要:本文简略分析了庐枞火山岩盆地形成的地质构造背景及火山岩盆地内两个重要不整合界面,两类不同性质断裂的特征。文中详细论述了庐枞及邻区印支期褶皱基底中两期叠加褶皱变形特征及其对地层序列与空间展布的控制。介绍了区内印支期金子运动与南象运动的存在表现及争议。根据近期在巢湖、和县一带普遍发现东马鞍山组与南陵湖组间不整合接触关系,进一步肯定了金子运动的存在,从而探讨了印支期两期褶皱变形形成的运动学基础及可能形成的动力学条件。在对上述成矿背景重新认识的基础上,总结了区内三类矿床的成矿特征及找矿方向(与火山岩有关的铁矿、与中酸性侵入岩有关的斑岩型铜矿及铅锌矿、接触交代型与层控型铁铜矿)。强调了燕山期构造,特别是断裂构造对岩浆侵入、火山活动及与其相关成矿作用的控制,并对区内典型矿床的控岩控矿构造条件作了论述。

关 键 词:庐枞火山盆地  印支期叠加褶皱  金子运动  南象运动  找矿方向

The basement structural deformation, evolution and its control action on deposit distribution in Luzong volcanic basin and its adjacent area in Anhui Province, China.
TANG JiaFu,LU SanMing,LI JianShe and WEI DaoZhong. The basement structural deformation, evolution and its control action on deposit distribution in Luzong volcanic basin and its adjacent area in Anhui Province, China.[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2010, 26(9): 2587-2597. DOI: 1000-0569/2010/026(09)-2587-97
Authors:TANG JiaFu  LU SanMing  LI JianShe  WEI DaoZhong
Affiliation:The Public Geological Survey Management Center of Anhui Province, Hefei 230001, China;The Public Geological Survey Management Center of Anhui Province, Hefei 230001, China;The Public Geological Survey Management Center of Anhui Province, Hefei 230001, China;The Public Geological Survey Management Center of Anhui Province, Hefei 230001, China
Abstract:In this article, the tectonic background of formation and the characters of the two important unconformity interface and two kinds of faults in Luzong volcanic basin are analyzed. The deformation characteristics of the two stage overlapping-folds and the stratigraphic sequence and spatially distributing feature in Indosinian folding basement in Luzong volcanic basin and adjacent areas are discussed. And it introduced the expression and controversy of Jinzi Movement and Nanxiang Movement in Indosinian in this areas. Based on the unconformable contact between Dongmaanshan Formation and Nanlinghu Formation in the area of Chaohu and Hexian recently, the existence of the Jinzi Movement is further confirmed,which discussed the kinematic base and possible dynamic conditions formed by the deformation of the two stage Indosinian folds. Through the reunderstanding of metallogenic background, the mineralizing characteristics and prospecting direction of the three types deposits are summarized (volcanic-related iron deposits, neutral-acid intrusive rocks-related porphyry copper and lead-zinc deposits,contact metasomatic type and stratabound iron type of the iron and copper deposits). It emphasized the Yanshanic structural especially faulted structure control on magma intrusion and volcanic action and related mineralization. And it discussed the rock-controlling and ore-controlling structure conditions of typical deposits.
Keywords:Luzong volcanic basin  Superimposed folds in Indosinian Period  Jinzi Movement  Nanxiang Movement  Prospecting direction
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