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Phase transformations in descending plates and implications for mantle dynamics
Authors:A.E Ringwood
The role of phase transformations in a mantle of pyrolite composition is reviewed in the light of recent experimental data. The pyroxene component of pyrolite transforms to the garnet structure at 300–350 km whilst olivine transforms to beta-Mg2SiO4 near 400 km. Between about 500 and 550 km, beta-Mg2SiO4 probably transforms to a partially inverse spinel structure whilst the CaSiO3 component of the complex garnet solid solution exsolves and transforms to the perovskite structure. The major seismic discontinuity near 650–700 km is probably caused by disproportionation of Mg2SiO4 spinel into periclase plus stishovite. At a slightly greater depth, the remaining magnesian garnet transforms to the corundum or ilmenite structure. Finally, at a depth probably in the vicinity of 800–1000 km, the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 component of the ilmenite phase transforms to a perovskite structure whilst stishovite and some of the periclase recombine to form perovskite also. The mineral assemblage so formed is about 4% denser than mixed oxides (MgO + FeO + A12O3 + CaO + stishovite) isochemical with pyrolite. The above sequence of phase transformations in pyrolite provides a satisfactory general explanation of the elastic properties and density distribution in the mantle. In particular, there is no evidence requiring an increase of FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratio with depth.The depths at which major phase transformations occur in subducted lithosphere differ from those in ‘normal’ mantle. These differences are caused by two factors: (1) Temperatures within sinking plates are much lower than in surrounding mantle to depths of 700 km or more. (2) Irreversible chemical differentiation of pyrolite occurs at oceanic ridges. Lithosphere plates so formed consist of a layer of basaltic rocks underlain successively by layers of harzburgite, lherzolite, and pyrolite slightly depleted in highly incompatible elements (e.g. La, Ba, Rb, U). The phase-transformation behaviour of the first three of these layers differs from that of pyrolite.The effects of these and other factors connected with phase transformations on the dynamics of plate subsidence are discussed. It appears quite likely that plates penetrate the 650–700 km discontinuity, largely because the slope of the spinel disproportionation is probably positive, not negative as generally supposed. The former basaltic oceanic crust probably sinks deeply into the lower mantle, whilst the former harzburgite component of the plate may collect above the perovskite transition boundary. Phase transformations may thus serve as a kind of filter, leading to increased and irreversible mantle heterogeneity with time.The possible roles of phase transformations in causing deep-focus earthquakes and introducing water into the mantle in subduction zones are also briefly discussed.
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