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On the Power in the Legendre Modes of the Solar Radial Magnetic Field
Authors:Durney  Bernard R.
Affiliation:(1) Physics Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721, U.S.A.
The power in the different ell modes of an expansion of the solar radial magnetic field at the surface in terms of Legendre polynomials,Pell , is calculated with the help of a solar dynamo model studied earlier. The model is of the Babcock–Leighton type, i.e., the surface eruptions of the toroidal magnetic field – through the lsquotilt anglersquo, gamma, formed by the magnetic axis of a bipolar magnetic region with the east-west line – are the sources for the poloidal field. In this paper it is assumed that the tilt angle is subject to fluctuations of the form, gamma = gammaprime(sgr)+ <gamma> where <gamma> is the average value and gammaprime(sgr) is a random normal fluctuation with standard deviation sgr which is taken from Howard's observations of the distribution of tilt angles. For numerical considerations, negative values of gamma were not allowed. If this occurred, gamma was recalculated. The numerical integrations were started with a toroidal magnetic field antisymmetric across the equator, large enough to generate eruptions, and a negligible poloidal field. The fluctuations in the tilt angle destroy the antisymmetry as time increases. The power of the antisymmetric modes across the equator (i.e., odd values of ell) is concentrated in frequencies, ngrp, corresponding to the cycle period. The maximum power lies in the ell=3 mode with considerable power in the ell=5 mode, in broad agreement with Stenflo's results who finds a maximum power at ell=5. For the symmetric modes, there is considerable power in frequencies larger than ngrp, again in broad agreement with Stenflo's power spectrum.
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