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引用本文:杨勤业 郑度. 关于陆地系统科学的若干认识[J]. 地理研究, 1996, 15(4): 10-15. DOI: 10.11821/yj1996040002
作者姓名:杨勤业 郑度
作者单位:中国科学院、国家计划委员会地理研究所 北京 100101
摘    要:黄秉维先生最近提出,地球系统科学是可持续发展的科学基础。在地球系统科学所包括的陆地、海洋、大气3个子系统中,陆地系统最复杂,但研究的深度最欠缺,应在中国着力开展陆地系统科学的研究。本文就陆地系统科学研究的目的和意义、陆地系统科学的对象和性质、研究方法论、时间尺度以及基本构架等方面的问题,阐述了学习黄秉维先生学术思想的心得和体会。

关 键 词:陆地系统科学  可持续发展  科学基础  

Yang Qinye,Zhen Du. REVIEWS ON LAND SYSTEM SCINECE[J]. Geographical Research, 1996, 15(4): 10-15. DOI: 10.11821/yj1996040002
Authors:Yang Qinye  Zhen Du
Affiliation:Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101
Abstract:At present,Professor Huang Bingwei, Honorary director of Institute of Geography, CAS,has pointed out that the young earth system science is the basis of strategies for sustainable development.The earth system consists of land, ocean and atmosphere together with the exchange of material and energy across their interfaces. Professor Huang has emphatically pointed out that territorial system is the centre of socio-economic development and the scene of most complicated natural conditions. It lags behind in earth system research.Geographers are urged to make up the deficits.With regard to sustainable development, the time span of researching territorial system is generally kept within 50 years or so, and "meta-synthesis" and combination of "Top down" with "Bottom up" will be used in the research.On the base of studing his series of scientific exposition, the objective and significance of research, the object and character about territorial system science, methodology of research, time span as well as the fondamental constitute have been expounded in this paper.
Keywords:Land system science   Sustainable development   Scientific basis  
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