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Current estimates of the Earth's principal moments of inertia
Authors:Milan Burša
Institution:(1) Astronomical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary The principal moments of the Earth's inertia and their differences have been computed and their actual accuracy estimated on the basis of the most recent values of the 2nd degree geopotential parameters (model GEM-T2) and of the parameter H in the precession constant. The contributions due to the zero frequency zonal term in the tidal potential have been determined.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Pcyocy scyocyvcyrcyiecymcyiecyncyncyycymcy zcyncyachcyiecyncyulcymcy Scymocykcyscyocyvcyycykhcy nocyscymocyyacyncyncyycykhcyiecyocynocymiecyncytscyualcya 2-ocyubreve scymiecyniecyncyu (mcyocy¶rt;iecylcysoftcy GEM-T2) u narcyamcyiecymrcya Ncy vcy nocyscymocyyacyncyncyocyubreve nrcyiecytscyiecyscyscyuu ocynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyiecyncyycy zcyncyachcyiecyncyuyacylcyavcyncyycykhcy mcyocymcyiecykhcymocyvcy uncyiecyrcytscyuu zcyiecymcylcyu u ukhcy rcyazcyncyocyscymu u ¶rt;aiecymscyyacy ukhcy ocytscyiecyncykcya mocychcyncyocyscymu. Vcyycychcyuscylcyiecyncy vcykcylcya¶rt; vcy ocynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyiecyncyncyycyiecy vcyiecylcyuchcyuncyycy nocyscymocyyacyncyncyocyubreve chcyascymu zcyocyncyalcysoftcyncyocyocy chcylcyiecyncya nrcyulcyuvcyncyocyocy nocymiecyncytscyualcya.
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