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引用本文:陈小麟. 岩鹭在厦门海岸带的分布及其生态考察[J]. 台湾海峡, 1999, 18(3): 355-358
摘    要:岩鹭是我国二级保护鸟类,处于稀有的濒危状态。1993年3 ̄5月,1993年9月至1994年9月和1995年5 ̄10月的考察结果。证实岩鹭在厦门的居留时间为10月上旬至6月上旬。厦门的岩鹭分布于东部海岸,该区域人为干扰和污染少,潮间带底质以砂砾,岩石为主,厦门的岩鹭为灰黑色型,单独活动,种群总数量只有3 ̄5只,本文根据岩鹭的生态需求、行为习怀和种群数量特点,对岩鹭的保护也进行了讨论。

关 键 词:岩鹭 鸟类生态 地理分布 厦门 海岸带

Distribution and ecological investigations of eastern reef heron ( Egretta sacra )in Xiamen coast
Chen Xiaolin. Distribution and ecological investigations of eastern reef heron ( Egretta sacra )in Xiamen coast[J]. Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait, 1999, 18(3): 355-358
Authors:Chen Xiaolin
Abstract:Eastern reef heron (Egretta sacra) is rare in China and has been listed as the national second-grade wildlife of China for protection. During the period between March and May, 1993, between September, 1993 and September, 1994, and between May and October, 1995, the Investigations in Xiamen showed that the heron occurred in Xiamen from early October to early June each year. The heron is only distributed in eastern coast of Xiamen which had less human activity and pollution, and its intertidal zone was rocky and sandy. The reef heron in Xiamen was dark morph, solitary and its total population size was only 3~5. The protection of eastern reef heron was also discussed in this paper according to its ecological requirements, behavioural characteristics and population size.
Keywords:Eastern reef heron. avian ecology   geographic distribution. Xiamen
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