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In-Situ strain measurement by photoelastic bar gages, 1. The method
Authors:Anton Brown
Affiliation:Center for Tectonophysics, Texas A. and M. University, College Station, TexasU.S.A.
Abstract:A technique is described for measuring recoverable strain in situ using bridged photoelastic bar gages and a simple reflecting polariscope. Rosettes of 0.2 × 0.4 × 4-cm bars are bonded to the rock for 0.6 cm at each end. Change in strain is measured following overcoring with a 10-cm bit. Correction for strains in the order of 30 · 10?6/°C, due to differential thermal expansion between rock and gage, are made by monitoring dummy gages mounted on free blocks. Bar gages have been satisfactorily tested against foil resistance gages. Rosettes mounted closely adjacent on a free granite block showed a reasonable homogeneity of response.
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