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引用本文:朱继良,付杰,王赛,孙建平,马鑫,许模,孙东,陈思. 重庆涪陵页岩气勘查开发区环境地质调查进展[J]. 中国地质调查, 2014, 6(5): 64-73. DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2019.05.07
作者姓名:朱继良  付杰  王赛  孙建平  马鑫  许模  孙东  陈思
作者单位:1.中国地质调查局水文地质环境地质调查中心,保定 071051;2.成都理工大学,成都 610059;3.四川地质矿产勘查开发局成都水文地质工程地质中心,成都 610081;4.重庆地质矿产研究院,重庆 400042
基金项目:中国地质调查局“川渝页岩气勘查开发区1:5万环境地质调查(编号: DD20160253)”和“晋中盆地资源环境综合地质调查(编号: DD20190593)”项目联合资助
摘    要:紧密结合国家非常规能源勘探开发的重大战略,聚焦重庆涪陵页岩气勘查开发区环境地质调查工作,总结了研究区岩溶发育特征与分布规律,评价了涪陵页岩气开发区区域水资源量和地下水质量。在此基础上,收集分析国内外资料,梳理了页岩气勘查开发所引发的6类环境(地质)问题及勘查、钻井、压裂、开采、闭井等5个阶段需关注的地质环境问题或风险等,其中涪陵页岩气勘查开发区主要诱发水土污染、地质灾害和大气污染等环境(地质)问题; 基本识别了2种地下水污染模式、3种污染类型及可能的地下水污染风险途径; 初步确定了涪陵页岩气勘查开发区污染指示性特征因子,并形成了页岩气勘查开发区地质环境影响评价指标体系,可指导页岩气勘查开发的环境地质调查。该研究为页岩气国家新型清洁能源的绿色开发和开发区生态文明建设提供支撑。

关 键 词:页岩气  勘查开发  环境地质调查  污染模式  重庆涪陵  

Progresses on environmental geological survey of shale gas exploration development zone in Fuling of Chongqing
ZHU Jiliang,FU Jie,WANG Sai,SUN Jianping,MA Xin,XU Mo,SUN Dong,CHEN Si. Progresses on environmental geological survey of shale gas exploration development zone in Fuling of Chongqing[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2014, 6(5): 64-73. DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2019.05.07
Authors:ZHU Jiliang  FU Jie  WANG Sai  SUN Jianping  MA Xin  XU Mo  SUN Dong  CHEN Si
Affiliation:1. Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, China Geological Survey, Baoding 071051, China;2. Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China;3. Chengdu Hydrogeological Engineering Geological Center, Sichuan Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau, Chengdu 610081, China;4. Chongqing Geological and Mineral Research Institute, Chongqing 400042, China
Abstract:In combination with the key strategy of national unconventional energy exploration and development, this paper focuses on the environmental geological survey of shale gas exploration and development zone in Fuling of Chongqing. The authors summarized the karst developing characteristics and distribution in the study area, and evaluated the regional water resources and groundwater quality. On this basis, they collected and analyzed the domestic and foreign data, and summarized six types of environmental(geological) problems triggered by shale gas exploration and development. And they pointed out that the geological environmental problems and risks need to be paid attention in five stages, such as exploration, drilling, fracturing, mining and silencing. There are water-soil pollution, geological hazards and air pollution in Fuling shale gas exploration and development zone. Two models of groundwater pollution, three types of pollution, and potential risk pathways of groundwater pollution were basically identified. The indicative factors of pollution in Fuling shale gas exploration development zone have been preliminarily ascertained, and the index system of geological environmental effect evaluation in this zone has been established, which can provide some guidance for the environmental geological survey of shale gas exploration and development. This research can provide support to the green development and ecological civilization construction of shale gas national new clean energy.
Keywords:shale gas  exploration and development  environmental geological survey  pollution models  Fuling of Chongqing  
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