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Towards incorporating a turbulent magnetic field in an accreting black hole model
Authors:Victor Kowalenko   Fulvio Melia
Affiliation:School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia; Department of Physics and Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Abstract:A model proposed by Melia & Ruffert to evaluate the spectrum and radiation flux for accretion on to a black hole makes use of the 'equipartition assumption' in which the magnetic, turbulent and gravitational energy densities are assumed to be in approximate equilibrium for distances below the accretion radius, where Bondi–Hoyle infall begins. As a consequence, the mechanism for the dissipation of the magnetic field and the resulting effect on the flow of the accreting gas have not been treated quantitatively. Here we examine alternative approaches for modelling the dissipation of magnetic fields and turbulent flow to see how these may be incorporated into the model. The results of our study should be immediately applicable to the ever-improving measurements of the spectrum and size of the massive black hole at our Galactic Centre, in particular producing a more accurate estimate of its mass. Combined with greatly refined kinematic studies of this region, our work may constrain the dark matter concentration in the nucleus of our Galaxy.
Keywords:accretion, accretion discs    black hole physics    magnetic fields    turbulence    Galaxy: centre
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