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引用本文:伍吉仓,许厚泽,丁晓利,刘国祥. 台湾集集大地震断层非均匀滑动分布的反演[J]. 测绘学报, 2002, 31(Z1): 34-38
作者姓名:伍吉仓  许厚泽  丁晓利  刘国祥
作者单位:1. 同济大学,测量与国土信息工程系,上海,200092;中国科学院,测量与地球物理研究所,湖北,武汉,430077
2. 中国科学院,测量与地球物理研究所,湖北,武汉,430077
3. 香港理工大学,土地测量与地理资讯学系,香港
摘    要:利用台湾1999集集大地震前后GPS测量获得的地表位移数据,反演断层面上的非均匀滑动分布.反演中采用二次样条函数作为滑动分布的基函数,通过引入阿卡克贝叶斯准则,获得了反演问题的惟一解.反演得到的地表位移与实测位移的差在几个厘米,较好地解释了观测到的GPS位移.另一方面,用反演结果计算得到的地表形变场同INSAR得到的地表实测位移场较相近.

关 键 词:GPS  位移  反演  INSAR

Inversion of Variable Fault Slip of Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake
WU Ji cang ,,HSU Hou tse ,DING Xiao li ,LIU Guo xiang. Inversion of Variable Fault Slip of Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2002, 31(Z1): 34-38
Authors:WU Ji cang     HSU Hou tse   DING Xiao li   LIU Guo xiang
Affiliation:WU Ji cang 1,2,HSU Hou tse 2,DING Xiao li 3,LIU Guo xiang 3
Abstract:In this paper the variable fault slip distribution caused by the 1999 Taiwan Chi Chi Earthquake is determined by displacements of GPS sites observed based on the dislocation model. The second order spline base functions and the Akaike Bayesian inversion criterion are used in the representation of the fault slip and the solution. The maximum ground displacements caused by the earthquake was more than 6 meter in the epicenter based on the GPS observations. After inversion, the variable fault slip distributions are obtained and the maximum difference between the observed site displacements and modeling site displacements is only several centimeters. The obtained variable fault slip dislocation model has an good explanation on the observed GPS site displacements. On the other hand, the ground displacement field obtained by our inversion result has similar pattern with that obtained by INSAR.
Keywords:GPS  displacement  inversion  INSAR
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