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A seismic study along the East Greenland margin from 72°N to 77°N
Authors:D. Berger   W. Jokat
Affiliation:Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Am Alten Hafen 26, 27568;Bremerhaven, Germany. E-mail:
Abstract:Around 4370 km of new seismic reflection data, collected along the East Greenland margin between 71°30'N and 77°N in 2003, provide a first detailed view of the sediment distribution and tectonic features along the East Greenland margin. After processing and converting the data to depth, we correlated ODP-Site 913 stratigraphy into the new seismic network. Unit GB-2 shows the greatest glacial sediment deposits beneath the East Greenland continental shelf. This unit is characterized by the beginning of prograding sequences and has, according to our stratigraphic correlation, a Middle Miocene age. It might have been caused by rapid changes in sea level and/or glacial erosion by an early ice sheet or glaciers along the coast. A basement high, presumably a 360 km long basement structure at 77°N–74°54'N, prevents continuous sediment transport from the shelf into the deep sea area in times before 15 Myr. The origin of this prominent structure remains speculative since no rock sample from this structure is available. Seaward dipping reflectors at the eastern flank of this structure strongly support that it is a volcanic construction and is most likely emplaced on continental or transitional crust. The compilation of sediment thickness provide an insight into the regional sediment distribution in the Greenland Basin. An average sediment thickness of 1 km is observed. The north bordering Boreas Basin has a sediment thickness of 1.8 km close to the Greenland fracture zone (GFZ).
Keywords:Controlled source seismology    Continental margins: divergent    Arctic region
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