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On the thermal stability of Rb-Sr and K-Ar biotite systems: Evidence from coexisting Sveconorwegian (ca 870 Ma) and Caledonian (ca 400 Ma) biotites in SW Norway
Authors:R. H. Verschure  P. A. M. Andriessen  N. A. I. M. Boelrijk  E. H. Hebeda  C. Maijer  H. N. A. Priem  E. A. Th. Verdurmen
Affiliation:(1) Z.W.O. Laboratorium voor Isotopen-Geologie, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2) Institute of Earth Sciences, Utrecht State University, Budapestlaan 4, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Abstract:The Caledonian orogeny has imposed a zone of greenschist facies metamorphism on the high-grade Sveconorwegian basement along the front of the Caledonian nappe system in S.W. Norway. In this zone a Caledonian generation of green biotite (ca 400 Ma old) has developed, indicating a metamorphic temperature of about 400° C. This Caledonian biotite occurs side by side with relicts of a Sveconorwegian generation of brown biotite (ca 870 Ma old). The somewhat younger ages obtained from a number of brown biotites can be related to a partial transformation of the old biotite to titanite+green biotite during the Caledonian metamorphic recrystallization. Loss of radiogenic Ar and Sr from the biotite by volume diffusion apparently has not been operative, even at a temperature as high as 400° C. The Sveconorwegian biotite appears to have remained virtually closed to K-Ar and Rb-Sr up to the break-down due to metamorphic recrystallization.
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