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引用本文:刘光鼎. 论地球科学[J]. 地学前缘, 1998, 5(1): 1-8
摘    要:地球科学的基本任务是认识地球,并为矿产资源勘查、环境保护和灾害防治服务。国民经济建设对地球科学有广泛的需求。它需要在地球科学取得规律性认识的指导下,解决大量微观的实际问题,而这些实际问题的解决,又将积累起丰富的资料,推动地球科学的进展。地球科学包括地质、地球物理、地球化学以及其它有关学科。无论是认识地球,还是为国民经济建设服务,都要求对各种地球科学资料进行综合研究,以期获得比较全面的认识。地球是一个处于运动中的巨系统,它不仅体积庞大,结构和成分复杂,而且有漫长的演化历史。因此,对地球的研究必须分层次进行,而宏观认识将具体指导微观调查。整个20世纪的重大成就是对地球的认识经历了大陆漂移、海底扩张和岩石层板块大地构造的发展,基本上建立起以活动论为内涵的全球构造观。在板块构造的宏观指导下,地质、地球物理与地球化学的系统总结,已经建立起中国大地构造格架及其演化史,尽管还有许多问题有待于深入解决,但它毕竟说明沉积盆地与矿产资源分布的大地构造环境。在宏观认识的基础上,还必须对区域地质作中观分析,例如通过详细的地质、地球物理和地球化学综合研究,进一步了解造山带、盆地及其间的关系。应该指出,只有深刻地认识区域地质特色,才能?

关 键 词:地球科学  地质  地球物理  地球化学  综合研究  板块构造与演化史

Liu Guangding. DISCUSSION ON EARTH SCIENCES[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 1998, 5(1): 1-8
Authors:Liu Guangding
Abstract:The fundamental task of Earth sciences is to understand the Earth, to serve the exploration of mineral resources, and to protect the environment as well as to prevent the hazards. The civil economic construction needs widely to Earth sciences, to solve these practical problems. By which a lot of data will be accumulated and the the progress of Earth sciences is promoted. The Earth sciences include not only geology, geophysics, geochemistry but also the other relevant branches of sciences. However, for the purpose of recognizing the Earth on serving the civil economy, and getting a comparative overall understanding on approaching to the actual situation, it requires to make a comprehensive study to geology, geophysics and geochemistry. The Earth is a megasystem being in motion, which is huge in size and is complicated in structure and composition, and has a long evolutionary history. Therefore, the research work for the cognition of Earth must be done orderly with the lower ordered one being guided by the higher ordered one. In the whole period of the 20th century, the cognition of Earth has experienced several stages, i.e., continental drift sea floor spreading lithospheric plate tectonics, and established basically the global tectonics with its connotation of mobilism. Under the guide of plate tectonics we set up the tectonic framework of China and its evolutionary history which is a systematical summerization of geological, geophysical and geochemical studies, even though there still are a lot of problems should be solved. Based upon the macroscopic cognition of China, it needs as usual the concrete analysis on regional geology such as orogenetic belt, basin and their mutual relationship. For solving the microscopic problem put forward by civil economic construction, we can see that the better understanding to the characteristics of the regional geology the more suitable technology could be selected.
Keywords:Earth sciences   geology   geophysics   geochemistry   comprehensive study   plate tectonics and evolutionary history
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