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Dynamic soil–structure interaction of a single-span bridge
Authors:C. B. Crouse  B. Hushmand  G. R. Martin
Abstract:Experimental and analytical studies were conducted to determine dynamic soil–structure interaction characteristics of a single-span, prestressed-concrete bridge with monolithic abutments supported by spread footings. The experimental programme, consisting of harmonic forced vibration excitation of the bridge in the transverse and longitudinal directions, revealed the presence of four modes in the frequency band, 0 to 11 Hz, and the onset of a fifth mode at 14 Hz, the highest frequency attained during the tests. The fundamental mode at 4.7 Hz was the primary longitudinal bending mode of the deck and had a relatively low damping ratio (ζ1), that was approximately 0.025 of critical. The second and third modes at 6.4 Hz and 8.2 Hz were the primary twisting modes of the deck which involved substantial transverse rocking, transverse translation and torsion of the footings. As expected, the damping ratios associated with these two modes, ζ2 = 0.035 and ζ3 = 0.15, were directly related to the relative amounts of deck and footing motion. The fourth mode at 10.6 Hz was the second twisting mode of the deck and involved relatively little motion of the footings and abutment walls, which was consistent with the low damping, ζ4 = 0.02, observed in this mode. The response data at 14 Hz suggested that the fifth mode beyond this frequency was the second longitudinal bending mode of the deck involving longitudinal translation and bending of the abutment walls. A three-dimensional finite element model of the bridge, with Winkler springs attached to the footings and abutment walls to represent the soil–structure interaction, was able to reproduce the experimental data (natural frequencies, mode shapes and bridge response) reasonably well. Although the stiffnesses assigned to the Winkler springs were based largely on the application of a form of Rayleigh's principle to the experimental data, these stiffnesses were similar to theoretical foundation stiffnesses of the same size footings on a linearly elastic half space and theoretical lateral stiffnesses of a rigid retaining wall against a linearly elastic backfill.
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