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Hard X-ray Source Distributions on EUV Bright Kernels in a Solar Flare
Authors:Zongjun Ning  Wenda Cao
Affiliation:(1) Space Sciences Lab, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720-7450, U.S.A;(2) Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720-7450, U.S.A;
We explore the hard X-ray source distributions of an C1.1 flare occurred on 14 December 2007. Both Hinode/EIS and RHESSI observations are used. One of EIS rasters perfectly covers the double hard X-ray footpoints, where the EUV emission appears strong from the cool line of He ii (log T=4.7) to the hot line of Fe xvi (log T=6.4). We analyze RHESSI X-ray images at different energies and different times before the hard X-ray maximum. The results show a similar topology for the time-dependent source distribution (i.e. at 14:14:35 UT) as that for energy-dependent source distribution (i.e. at a given energy band of 6 – 9 keV) overlapped on EUV bright kernels, which seems to be consistent with the evaporation model.
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