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引用本文:李天宏,韩鹏. 厦门市土地利用/覆盖动态变化的遥感检测与分析[J]. 地理科学, 2001, 6(6): 537-543
作者姓名:李天宏  韩鹏
摘    要:在分析1990年和1997年两个时相陆地卫星TM遥感图像的基础上,得到了厦门市土地利用/覆盖的动态变化信息,并对其数量变化和空间特征进行了分析。结果表明:1990~1997年,厦门市的城镇建设用地和开发用地显著增加,耕地被占用的现象比较突出,开发用地的重点也由厦门经济特区向近郊区转移。

关 键 词:土地利用/土地覆盖变化  遥感  厦门

Land Use/Cover Change Detection and Analysis with Remote Sensing in Xiamen City
LI Tian-hong,HAN Pengl.Center for Environmental Sciences,Key Labottory for Water and sediment Sciences of Ministry ofEducation,Peking University,Beijing. Land Use/Cover Change Detection and Analysis with Remote Sensing in Xiamen City[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2001, 6(6): 537-543
Authors:LI Tian-hong  HAN Pengl.Center for Environmental Sciences  Key Labottory for Water  sediment Sciences of Ministry ofEducation  Peking University  Beijing
Affiliation:LI Tian-hong1,HAN Peng2l.Center for Environmental Sciences,Key Labottory for Water and sediment Sciences of Ministry ofEducation,Peking University,Beijing 100871, 2. Department of Urban and EnvironmentalSciences,Peking University,Beijing 10087l
Abstract:Remote sensing is an important approach for land use /cover change detection. With two phrases ofremotely sensed images covering Xiamen City in 1990 and 1997 respectively, this paper applied Maximum Like-lihood Classification and visual interpretation to obtain the land use/cover classification of seven categories, name-ly build-up, development use, transportation, arable land, garden and forest, water body and unused land. Andthe land use/cover change image was obtained via map algebraic calculation. The results show that resident areaincreased in a large amount from l990 to l997, while arable land decreased nearly at the same extent. The de-creased arable land was mainly occupied by build-up, development use and transportation. In l990, land usedfor development was mainly 1ocated in the Xiamen Island and amounted to 65 percent of the whole developmentland of the city, while in l997, the percentage decreased to 30 percent which demonstrated that developing em-phasis has shifted from down town to suburb in the 7-year period.
Keywords:LUCC  remote sensing  Xiamen
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