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引用本文:胡昌琼,李世刚,汪高明,吴立霞,彭盼盼. 湖北省梅雨期降水集中度和集中期研究[J]. 湖北气象, 2009, 28(1)
作者姓名:胡昌琼  李世刚  汪高明  吴立霞  彭盼盼
摘    要:利用湖北省32个台站1960-2007年梅雨期逐候降水资料,分析湖北省梅雨期降水集中度和集中期时空分布特征及变化规律,同时对多雨年和少雨年的集中度和集中期进行比较.结果表明:降水集中度和集中期能够定量表征降水量在时空场上的非均一性,降水集中度平均为0.389,最大值为0.642,最小值为0.216;集中期平均为5.600候,最大值、最小值分别为8.450候和3.053候.梅雨期降水集中度20世纪60年代至70年代呈减小趋势,80年代至21世纪前7年呈增大趋势;降水集中度的EOF分析显示,第一特征向量表现为全省一致型,第二特征向量表现为鄂东南与鄂西北地区的反相,第三特征向量表现为鄂中平原地区和湖北东西部山区的降水集中度反相.多雨年的降水集中度比少雨年的偏小;多雨年的降水集中期比较集中,少雨年的比较复杂.

关 键 词:梅雨  降水集中度  降水集中期  时空分布

The Features of Precipitation Concentrations During Meiyu Period Over Hubei Province
HU Chang-qiong,LI Shi-gang,WANG Gao-ming,WU Li-xia,PENG Pan-pan. The Features of Precipitation Concentrations During Meiyu Period Over Hubei Province[J]. Meteorology Journal of Hubei, 2009, 28(1)
Authors:HU Chang-qiong  LI Shi-gang  WANG Gao-ming  WU Li-xia  PENG Pan-pan
Affiliation:Jingmen Meteorological bureau of Hubei Province;Jingmen 448000
Abstract:Based on the precipitation data of 32 gauging stations during Meiyu period from 1960 to 2007 in Hubei province,precipitation concentrations and the associated spatial and temporal patterns are analyzed with the precipitation concentration degree(PCD) and concentrated period(PCP),and two parameters comparing respectively in the more precipitation years with those in the less precipitation years.The results indicate that:the PCD and PCP can quantitatively represent the non-uniformity properties of the precipi...
Keywords:Meiyu period  Precipitation concentration degree  Precipitation concentrated period  Spatial and temporal distribution  
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