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Energy balance closure for the LITFASS-2003 experiment
Authors:Thomas Foken  Matthias Mauder  Claudia Liebethal  Florian Wimmer  Frank Beyrich  Jens-Peter Leps  Siegfried Raasch  Henk A. R. DeBruin  Wouter M. L. Meijninger  Jens Bange
Affiliation:1. Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth, 95440, Bayreuth, Germany
2. Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kreuzeckbahnstra?e 19, 82467, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
3. e-fellows.net GmbH & Co., 80331, Munich, Germany
4. Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, 34109, Kassel, Germany
5. Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory–Richard-A?mann-Observatory, German Meteorological Service (DWD), Am Observatorium 12, 5848, Tauche–OT Lindenberg, Germany
6. Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, Leibniz-University of Hannover, Herrenh?user Str. 2, 30419, Hannover, Germany
7. Meteorology and Air Quality Section, Wageningen University and Research Center, Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands
8. Overboslaan 52, 3722 BM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
9. Water Watch, Generaal Foulkesweg 28, 6703 BS, Wageningen, The Netherlands
10. Institute of Aerospace Systems, Technische Universit?t Braunschweig, Hermann-Blenk-Str. 23, 38108, Braunschweig, Germany
Abstract:In the first part, this paper synthesises the main results from a series of previous studies on the closure of the local energy balance at low-vegetation sites during the LITFASS-2003 experiment. A residual of up to 25% of the available energy has been found which cannot be fully explained either by the measurement uncertainty of the single components of the surface energy balance or by the length of the flux-averaging period. In the second part, secondary circulations due to heterogeneities in the surface characteristics (roughness, thermal and moisture properties) are discussed as a possible cause for the observed energy balance non-closure. This hypothesis seems to be supported from the fluxes derived from area-averaging measurement techniques (scintillometers, aircraft).
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