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Power spectrum of brightness temperature fluctuations derived from solar eclipse observations at 2.8 GHz
Authors:S K Alurkar  S S Degaonkar  R V Bhonsle
Affiliation:1. Physical Research Laboratory, 380 009, Ahmedabad, India
Abstract:In this paper we report on the MEM power spectrum analysis of brightness temperature fluctuations observed at 2.8 GHz during the total solar eclipse of 16 February 1980. The observed periodicities range from 3.5 min to 64 min. These periodicities may arise due to spatial and/or temporal variations in the solar radio emission. The observed periodicities imply presence of scale sizes ranging from 70,000 to 600,000 km assuming that the brightness fluctuations arise because of spatial variation only. On the other hand, if these fluctuations are due to temporal variation, the observed periodicities correspond well to predicted modes of solar global oscillations.
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