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引用本文:徐建鹏,张全启,王志刚,齐洁,王旭波. 石鲽野生群体和养殖群体遗传多样性的ISSR分析[J]. 海洋学报, 2009, 31(4): 128-134
作者姓名:徐建鹏  张全启  王志刚  齐洁  王旭波
摘    要:采用简单序列重复区间(ISSR)技术,对石鲽的3个野生群体——青岛群体(QD)、威海群体(WH)、莱州群体(LZ)和一个养殖群体(YZ)进行了遗传多样性研究.结果表明,从60个ISSR引物中筛选出8个ISSR引物对四个群体的基因组DNA进行扩增,共获得183个重复性好且5谱清晰的位点,4个群体的多态位点比例为48.1%~50.8%,Shannon多样性值为15.68~18.53,群体内个体间遗传相似度为0.9053~0.9189,群体间的遗传距离为0.0055~0.0173.同其他鱼类相比,石鲽群体的遗传多样性水平较低.用UPGMA方法构建的群体进化树显示,WH群体和LZ群体遗传距离最近,首先聚在一起,两者然后与YZ群体聚类,最后与QD群体相聚.利用基因分化系数进行遗传变异来源估算,结果表明石鲽群体96.47%的遗传变异来源于群体内,群体间的遗传变异仅占3.53%,不同群体间的遗传相似度较大.

关 键 词:石鲽  ISSR  遗传多样性

ISSR analysis of wild and farmed stone flounder(Kareius bicoloratus) stocks
XU Jian-peng,ZHANG Quan-qi,WANG Zhi-gang,QI Jie and WANG Xu-bo. ISSR analysis of wild and farmed stone flounder(Kareius bicoloratus) stocks[J]. :Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese):, 2009, 31(4): 128-134
Authors:XU Jian-peng  ZHANG Quan-qi  WANG Zhi-gang  QI Jie  WANG Xu-bo
Affiliation:1.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, for Marine Genetics and Gene Resource Exploitation, College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China;College of Life Science, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China2.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, for Marine Genetics and Gene Resource Exploitation, College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China
Abstract:Inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) was employed to detect the genetic diversity in three wild and one farmed stocks of stone flounder(Kareius bicoloratus).Of the 60 primers screened,eight were selected for their reproducibility,reliability and high poly morphism.Atotal of 183 loci were am plified from the investigated individuals of the 4 stocks.The percentage of polymorphic lociranged from 48.1% to 50.8% and the Shannon diversity indices were from 15.68 to 18.53 within the 4 stocks.The genetic similarities were 0.9053~0.9189 within stocks,and the genetic distances were 0.0055~0.0173 among stocks.Compared with other fish species,stocks of K.bicoloratus presented relatively low genetic diversity.The phylogenetic tree constructed through UPGMA method indicated that WH and LZ stocks were first clustered into one clade for the lowest genetic distance,and then clustered with YZ stock,at last with QD stock.The analysis of stock pairwise gene differentiation showed that 96.47% of the genetic variation was distributed within stocks,while only 3.53% among stocks,indicating that the genetic structures of different stocks were absolutely similar.
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