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Integration and magnitude homogenization of the Egyptian earthquake catalogue
Authors:H. M. Hussein  K. M. Abou Elenean  I. A. Marzouk  A. Peresan  I. M. Korrat  E. Abu El-Nader  G. F. Panza  M. N. El-Gabry
Affiliation:(1) Seismological Department, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt;(2) North Africa Seismological Group (NASG), Net 40 OEA ICTP, Trieste, Italy;(3) International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy;(4) Department of Earth Sciences, Trieste University, Trieste, Italy;(5) Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
Abstract:The aim of the present work is to compile and update a catalogue of the instrumentally recorded earthquakes in Egypt, with uniform and homogeneous source parameters as required for the analysis of seismicity and seismic hazard assessment. This in turn requires a detailed analysis and comparison of the properties of different available sources, including the distribution of events with time, the magnitude completeness, and the scaling relations between different kinds of magnitude reported by different agencies. The observational data cover the time interval 1900–2004 and an area between 22°–33.5° N and 25°–36° E. The linear regressions between various magnitude types have been evaluated for different magnitude ranges. Using the best linear relationship determined for each available pair of magnitudes, as well as those identified between the magnitudes and the seismic moment, we convert the different magnitude types into moment magnitudes M W, through a multi-step conversion process. Analysis of the catalogue completeness, based on the M W thus estimated, allows us to identify two different time intervals with homogeneous properties. The first one (1900–1984) appears to be complete for M W ≥ 4.5, while the second one (1985–2004) can be considered complete for magnitudes M W ≥ 3.
Keywords:Earthquake catalogue  Egypt  Seismicity  Magnitudes  Completeness
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