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引用本文:张荣天,焦华富. 转型期省际城镇土地利用绩效格局演变与机理[J]. 地理研究, 2014, 33(12): 2251-2262. DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201412004
作者姓名:张荣天  焦华富
作者单位:安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院, 芜湖 241003
摘    要:以中国省域单元为例,在界定城镇土地利用绩效内涵基础之上,从结构、效益、效率及管理四维度构建城镇土地利用绩效评价体系,利用改进熵值法测度省际城镇土地利用绩效;并运用空间统计模型、R/S分析法及PCA模型,对2000-2012年中国省际城镇土地利用绩效格局时空演变及机理进行了初步的探讨。研究表明:① 2000年以来省际城镇土地利用绩效水平不断提升,区域差异较显著;绩效演变呈现出东西方向递增,南北方向倒“U”型分布格局。② 省际城镇土地利用绩效全局空间上表现出显著的正自相关,呈现绩效高(低)—高(低)集聚模式;局部Ⅰ绩效热点区主要集聚在东部沿海的京津及江浙沪,且不断向珠三角演化,Ⅱ绩效次热区主要集中在中原城市群、华北、华中及华南地区,Ⅲ绩效次冷区主要分布在西南地区及东北地区,而Ⅳ绩效冷点区主要集中在西部的藏疆蒙甘青地区,形成稳定“L”型塌陷形态;省际城镇土地利用绩效具有明显的分形特征,未来绩效值将呈现出继续增长的演化态势,且增长显著区分布在京津及长三角地区。③ 城镇化、产业升级、科技发展及市场化综合驱动转型期省际城镇土地利用绩效格局演变。

关 键 词:城镇土地利用绩效  格局演变  机理  省际  转型期  

Performance of urban land use pattern evolution and mechanism in China during the transformation period
Rongtian ZHANG,Huafu JIAO. Performance of urban land use pattern evolution and mechanism in China during the transformation period[J]. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(12): 2251-2262. DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201412004
Authors:Rongtian ZHANG  Huafu JIAO
Affiliation:The College of Territorial Resources and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, Anhui, China
Abstract:China is currently experiencing a transition period from traditional society to modern society, agricultural society to industrial society, and planned economic system to market economic system. Thus, the structure of urban land use changes significantly and urban land use needs material space and cultural space reconstitution. In the background of transformation development, measuring performance of urban land use becomes an important research topic and has practical significance for urban land resources optimal allocation and urban development reconstruction. Taking 31 provinces in China as the research object, the paper built up an evaluation index system of urban land use performance based on four aspects of construction, effectiveness, efficiency and management. The improved entropy method, the spatial statistical model, R/S analysis method and PCA model are used to preliminarily discuss the performance of provincial urban land use space-time pattern evolution and mechanism from 2000 to 2012. The study showed that: (1) the performance level of provincial urban land use was on the rise and showed an obvious regional difference which is characterized by an increasing trend in East-West direction and an inverted "U"-shaped pattern in North-South direction. (2) The performance of provincial urban land use had a positive correlation with spatial cluster phenomenon; partial performance hot spot areas were mainly located in the Beijing-Tianjin region and the Yangtze River Delta, and extended to the Pearl River Delta; the performance cold spot areas formed a stable "L"-shaped pattern which were mainly concentrated in western China; the performance of provincial urban land use had an obvious fractal characteristic and showed a growing trend that the significantly growing areas were located in the Beijing-Tianjin region and the Yangtze River Delta. (3) Urbanization, industrial structure, technological level and market have comprehensively driven the performance of provincial urban land use space-time pattern evolution.To promote the performance of provincial urban land use, the eastern region in the future should improve urban land marketization, renew the concept of land resources management and continuously optimize allocation of land resource utilization structure; while the western region should raise regional urbanization development level, promote regional technology progress, optimize urban industrial structure, and develop the secondary and tertiary industries.
Keywords:urban land use performance  pattern evolution  mechanism  provincial unit  transformation period  
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