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引用本文:陆松年. 关于中国元古宙地质年代划分几个问题的讨论[J]. 华北地质, 1998, 21(4): 206
摘    要:

关 键 词:中国  元古宙  地质年代划分

Lu Songnian. A REVIEW ON SUBDIVISION OF PROTEROZOIC EON IN CHINA[J]. Geological Survey and Research, 1998, 21(4): 206
Authors:Lu Songnian
Aims of this paper are to review some advances and problems on subdivision ofProterozoic Eon in China. In Chinese literatures the Proterozoic is generally subdivided into theEarly, Middle and Late Proterozoic Eras, and 2. 5 Ga, 1. 8 Ga, 1. O Ga and O. 57 Ga are selectedas boundary times between eras. A new time subdivision of Proterozoic of China is proposed in thepaper. The Proterozoic Eon is subdivided into the Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic andNeoproterozoic Eras in stead of the Early, Middle and Late Proterozoic ones. ThePaleoproterozoic ranges from 2. 5 Ga to 1. 8 Ga in geochronology. It contains three periods, and2. 3 and 2. O5 Ga as time boundaries between them. Neither period names or typical stratigraphicnames, i. e. "Group" and "Foarmtion", are suggested. In generally the Mesoproterozoic includesthe Changcheng and Jixian Periods, and their time houndary is placed at 1. 4 Ga. The top timeboundary of the Mesoproterozoic is 1. O Ga. However there are clearly stratigraphic boundaries in1. 6 Ga, 1. 4 Ga and 1. 2 Ga, so the Mesoproterozoic may be able to subdivide into four Periods.The Ne Neproterozoic can be divided into Qingbaikou and Sinian Periods in current literatures, and0. 8 Ga is selected as their time boundary. However there are different points in Chinese geologistson the time range of the Sinian Peried. The lowermost time is selected as O. 9 Ga, 0. 85 Ga andO. 8 Ga, respectively. Some geologists suggest the Sinian can be subdivided into two periods, thebottom or top of the tillite beds, that is O. 7 Ga or O. 65 Ga is as the boundary time between thetwo new periods. The author of this paper prefers 0. 545 Ga rather than O. 57 Ga as the boundarytime between Sinian and Cambrian Periods.
Keywords:China   Proterozoic   Geochronological subdivision
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