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Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian transgressive–regressive cycles of the Central Iberian Zone (NE Jaén,Spain)
Authors:J. Rey,M. C. Hidalgo,J. Martí  nez‐Ló  pez
A thick Upper Ordovician shelf sequence was developed in the northern Gondwana margin (southernmost exposures of the Central Iberian Zone). Integrated sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies allow distinction between pedogenetic processes (Facies association C), shoreline deposits (Facies association S), proximal to distal shelf (Facies association L, H1, H2, H3) and outer shelf zone or open marine environments (Facies association M, Mo). The vertical distribution of facies is characterized by the presence of regressive high frequency sequences (partial shelf progradational sequences), affected by the presence of catastrophic phenomena (storms). These sequences, in turn, can be classified into higher‐order transgressive (T)–regressive (R) cycles. Two second‐order T‐R megacycles (MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1) limited by a major sequence boundary are identified. Traces of emersion (palaeokarsts and palaeosols) are detected along the sequence boundary, and these are related to the eustatic sea‐level fall that occurred during the Ashgillian. The MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1 megacycles extend respectively from the Middle Arenig to the Ashgillian and from Late Ashgillian to the Late Llandovery. Major transgressive peaks occurred at the Llanvirn and at the Middle Llandovery (Aeronian). The vertical distribution of the facies delineates successive genetically related units in relation to relative sea‐level changes. Within the upper part of the first megacycle (MC. Ord‐2) six third‐order cycles are proposed (Lla‐1, Car‐1, Car‐2, Car‐3, Car‐4, Ash‐1), in which a transgressive and a regressive interval can be distinguished. Within the lower part of the second megacycle (MC. Sil‐1) two transgressive–regressive third‐order cycles are proposed (Lly‐1, Lly‐2). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:Late Ordovician  Early Silurian  Gondwana margin  transgressive–  regressive cycles  shelf  Central Iberian Zone  Spain
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