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Laboratory Investigation on the Effects of Overconsolidation and Saturation on Undrained Monotonic Shear Behavior of Granular Material
Authors:Noureddine Della  Ahmed Arab  Mostefa Belkhatir
Affiliation:1. Civil Engineering Department , Laboratory of Material Sciences and Environment, University of Chlef , Chlef , Algeria nour_della@yahoo.fr;3. Civil Engineering Department , Laboratory of Material Sciences and Environment, University of Chlef , Chlef , Algeria
In order to study pore water response and static liquefaction characteristics of silty sand, which has previously experienced liquefaction, two series of monotonic triaxial tests were run on medium dense sand specimens (RD = 50%) at confining pressure of 100 kPa. In the first test series, the influence of the soil saturation under undrained static loading has been studied. It summarizes results of monotonic tests performed on Chlef sand at various values of the Skempton's pore pressure coefficient. Analysis of experimental results gives valuable insights on the effect of soil saturation on sand response to undrained monotonic paths. In the second series of tests, the overconsolidation influence on the resistance to the sands liquefaction has been realized on samples at various values of overconsolidation ratios (OCR). It was found that the increase of overconsolidation ratio (OCR) increases the resistance of sands to liquefaction.
Keywords:liquefaction  monotonic  overconsolidation  sand  saturation  undrained
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