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A methodology for the characterization of deep carbonate aquifers has been developed and applied to El Maestrazgo Jurassic aquifer in Castellón, Spain. Characterization of these aquifer formations, located at more than 300 m deep, consisted of a previous phase of compilation, analysis and synthesis of the existing information about the area, followed by a coordinated combination of different speciality studies: geology, stratigraphy, structural analysis, hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing. Geological studies included geological mapping, definition of stratigraphical units and facies and structural analysis. The aim of the hydrogeology study was to define aquifer formations, recharge area, aquifer points inventory and groundwater flow directions for the establishment of piezometric and water quality observation nets. Special techniques were applied, like thermal infrared aerial images and the evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge by means of natural radium isotopes. Hydrochemical techniques, including majority elements characterization and stable isotopes (18O, 2H and 3H) determination, allowed classifying hydrochemical facies and establishing a renewal pattern for water within the system. Geophysics was useful in determining the aquifer geometry, the features of the basement and the petrophysical characteristics of the geological formations. Preliminary results show an important tectonic complexity and the possibilities for groundwater uses in the area of study.  相似文献   
The circulation and transport of freshwater generated by an idealized buoyant source is studied using a three-dimensional primitive equation model. Freshwater enters the continental shelf, turns anticyclonically and moves downstream in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation. In the region close to the source, the flow reaches an equilibrium in the bottom boundary layer so that freshwater does not spread offshore any further. This offshore equilibrium distance increases as we move downstream until the freshwater is able to feel the presence of the shelfbreak. A shelfbreak front forms and the shelfbreak prevents any further offshore spreading of freshwater in the bottom boundary layer.Two complimentary mechanisms are responsible for the slow cross-shelf migration of freshwater and subsequent trapping of shelfbreak fronts: bottom stress and topographic changes. The shelfbreak creates an active, dynamic process preventing leakage from the continental shelf region to the slope region. However, the dynamical process that traps the front to the shelfbreak is still unclear.The location of the shelfbreak front depends on four dimensionless parameters: scaled inlet volume transport, scaled breadth, scaled “diffusivity” and scaled shelf width. We develop empirical relations for predicting the location of the frontal bottom intersection, given these parameters.  相似文献   
公婆泉盆地局部排泄源氧化还原属性与铀矿化关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析公婆泉盆地地质背景、水文地质条件的基础上,对该区局部排泄源氧化还原属性与铀矿化的关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明,局部排泄源的存在对铀矿化具有重要作用,当局部排泄源属于还原性质时,铀矿体常常分布于该排泄源上游;若属氧化性质,排泄源铀矿体通常位于其下游或附近。公婆泉盆地存在相对氧化和相对还原的二种局部排泄源,北骆驼泉区的沙泉沟与平沙地、麻黄沟、北骆驼泉沟排泄源之间应为有利的铀矿化地段。  相似文献   
I.m~UCrIONBedloadisthesedimentwhichmovesalongtheriverbedintheformofrolling,slidingandsaltation.BedloadmaycreatemanyproblemsintheoperationandmaintenanceofnavigationchannelandinthedevelOPmentofhydroelectricity.Dataofbedloaddischargearealsorequiredinthedesignofreservoir,inwhichtheinflowbedloadareallactuallytrapped.Thewaysofbedloadmotionaredifferentfordifferentsizes.Thus,itisextremelydifficulttodeterminethebedloaddischargeaccurately.Manyequationshavebeenproposedtocalculatethebedloaddischarge.H…  相似文献   
同心环状空间是工程上较常见到的流体流动空间,在此空间中流体流动情况的分析较复杂。工程上对其流动情况的分析常常是引用流体力学中的分析结果,但往往由于对环状空间结构的条件重视不够,引用时很容易出毛病。经过仔细推导分析,指出其应用条件,并有助于对同心环状空间中流体流动时压力损失的分析与计算  相似文献   
用远场辐射场反演云闪放电参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用地面电磁场遥感闪电放电参数无论是在实际应用还是理论研究中都具有重要意义。文中基于电流传输线模式 ,提出了一种用单站远场VLF/LF辐射场反演云内放电参数的简便方法。当传输线电流从底部传播到顶部的时间只有几微秒时 ,整个传输线的VLF/LF辐射可以近似成偶极子辐射 ,即远场辐射场与电流的时间变化率和传输线长度的乘积成正比。因此 ,对远场辐射场做时间积分就能获得完整的电流矩波形 (上升沿有所加宽 ) ,而且传输线模式中的重要参数 ,电流从底部传播到顶端经历的时间 ,也可以近似地用辐射场时间积分幅度与辐射场幅度之比来估计。这一方法具有估计云闪双极性大脉冲辐射过程的放电参数的潜力。  相似文献   
三峡大坝建成之后,大量泥沙滞留于库区,出库泥沙量减少,坝下河床冲刷而提供相当数量的泥沙,支流湖泊供沙也发生变化,这将使进入河口地区的泥沙有所减少。三峡大坝以上长江干流和支流建设新的大坝,南水北调、封山育林、退耕还林以及减少水土流失都将进一步减少长江进入河口地区的泥沙。由此估计,三峡大坝建成后的百年内长江输入河口地区的泥沙约为2.0×108~2.5×108t/a;冰后期长江三角洲形成和发育期间的长江年均输沙量为1.84×108~2.28×108t。二者的数值相当接近,然而与近50年的观测(4.33×108t/a)相差甚远,长江流域的气候变化和人类活动可能是造成这一现象的原因。文章着重说明中国和长江上游人口的增长、种植作物的改变可能是水土流失、长江泥沙量增长的主要原因。  相似文献   
长江江豚是我国一级保护野生动物,也是长江生态系统的指示性物种,其种群数量恢复情况及活动规律一直备受关注。本文选择长江宜昌段江豚活动频繁的葛洲坝下游至胭脂坝江段为研究区域,于2021年6月-2022年5月采用定点目测、水上流动监测与无人机监测相结合的方法分区监测长江江豚的游泳行为,分析长江江豚的活动规律,构建了长江江豚出水头次的零膨胀泊松回归模型,识别影响长江江豚出水头次的关键因素,建立长江江豚出水头次与各因素间的相关关系。结果表明:(1)葛洲坝至胭脂坝长江干流段监测到最大江豚出水头次为19头次,长江江豚集群规模以2~3头最为常见,占比达58.1%;长江江豚主要表现出4种行为特征,各行为占比从大到小依次为:玩耍>休息>摄食>抚幼。(2)长江江豚在葛洲坝下游近坝区(A区,葛洲坝至至喜长江大桥)出水头次最多,且在秋冬季节累计出水头次多于春夏季节,冬季累计出水头次最高,达252头次。(3)长江江豚出水头次与电站下泄流量呈显著负相关;浊度增大,长江江豚出水的概率减小。本文研究结果对长江江豚生态保护策略及长江十年禁渔效果评估具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
沁南地区煤层气生产潜力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴建光 《中国煤田地质》2003,15(1):27-28,70
本文以沁水盆地南部地区煤层气生产试验井的徘采资料为基础,结合煤田地质勘探和中联公司煤层气勘探所获得的地质、生产资料,阐述了煤层气井的排采机理。并以TL—003井排采试验为例进行详细剖析,运用储层模拟技术,研究、分析影响煤层气产出的主要参数,初步预测了该区煤层气井的生产潜力。  相似文献   
2006年7月16日娃娃沟流域暴发的大规模泥石流,给下游3个电站造成巨大经济损失,是大渡河流域一次典型的灾害性泥石流。分析得出,娃娃沟泥石流重度高、搬运能力强,泥石流固体物质砂、石混杂,粗大砾石含量高;暴发频率低、规模大,流速及峰值流量分别高达10.78m/s及798.5m^3/s;在汇口处,泥石流堆积物堵塞河道是引起下游电站受灾的重要原因,高重度、粗颗粒、大流量的组合是此次泥石流堵江的重要原因。堵河判别计算结果显示在发生百年一遇泥石流时,该断面均有发生堵河的可能。娃娃沟泥石流表明:①在大渡河支流的泥石流沟周边的中小电站极有可能在泥石流暴发时受到破坏。因此,电站建设过程中应加强对周边泥石流沟的防灾减灾工作;②虽然娃娃沟流域植被良好,但仍然发生了大规模泥石流。表明植被不能完全避免泥石流的发生,对于此类泥石流沟不能疏忽大意。  相似文献   
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