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In the article the author looks back the hard development course and great progress in earth quake science and technology in China during the last near a half of century and expounds the following 3 aspects: (1) The strong desire of the whole society to mitigate seismic disasters and reduce the effect of earthquakes on social-economic live is a great driving force to push forward the development of earthquake science and technology in China; (2) To better ensure people‘ s life and property, sustainable economic development, and social stability is an essential purpose to drive the development of earthquake science and technology in China; and (3) To insist on the dialectical connection of setup of technical system for seismic monitoring with the scientific research of earthquakes and to better handle the relation between crucial task, current scientif ic level, and the feasibility are the important principles to advance the earthquake science and technology in China. Some success and many setbacks in earthquake disaster mitigation consistently enrich our knowledge regarding the complexity of the conditions for earthquake occurrence and the process of earthquake preparation, promote the reconstruction and modernization of technical system for earthquake monitoring, and deepen the scientific research of earthquakes. During the last 5 years, the improvement and modernization of technical system for earthquake monitoring have clearly provided the technical support to study and practice of earthquake prediction and pre caution, give prominence to key problems and broaden the field of scientific research of earth quakes. These have enabled us to get some new recognition of the conditions for earthquake oc currence and process of earthquake preparation, characteristics of seismic disaster, and mecha nism for earthquake generation in China‘s continent. The progress we have made not only en courages us to enhance the effectiveness of earthquake disaster mitigation, but also provides a basis for accelerating further development of earthquake science and technology in China in the new century, especially in the 10th five-year plan. Based on the history reviewed, the author sets forth a general requirement for develop ment of earthquake science and technology in China and brings out 10 aspects to be stressed and strengthened at present and in the future. These are: upgrade and setup of the network of digitized seismic observation; upgrade and setup of the network for observation of seismic pre cursors; setup of the network for observation of strong motion; setup of the laboratories for ex periment on seismic regime; establishment of technical system for seismic information, emer gency command and urgent rescue; research on short-term and imminent earthquake predic tion; research on intermediate- and long-term earthquake prediction; research on attenuation of seismic ground motion, mechanism for seismic disaster, and control on seismic disaster; ba sic research fields related to seismology and geoscience. We expect that these efforts will signifi cantly elevate the level of earthquake science and technology in China to the advanced interna tional level, improve theories, techniques, and methods for earthquake precaution and predic tion, and enhance the effectiveness of earthquake disaster mitigation.  相似文献   
胜利油田海上勘探区 ,位于渤海湾南部的极浅海海域 ,其范围为 :西起四女寺河口 ,经套儿河口、老黄河口、新黄河口、小青河口 ,东到潍河口 ,海岸长 4 1 4km,胜利矿产登记线内面积 4 870 km2 ,水深一般 0~ 5m,最深 1 8m。截止 2 0 0 0年年底 ,已完成二维地震 71 3 6.1 km,三维地震 1 588.58km2 ,完钻探井 1 0 2口 ,测井解释油气层井 87口 ,试油 85口 ,其中 74口获工业油流 ,6口获低产油流。发现了埕岛、埕北 3 0、新滩 3个油田 ,在明化镇组、馆陶组、东营组、沙河街组、中生界、上古生界、下古生界、太古界中发现了 8套含油层系 ,6种类型的油气藏 ,已探明含油面积 1 45.8km2 ,石油地质储量 3 860 9万 t;控制含油面积57.5km2 ,石油地质储量 894 8万 t,其中埕岛油田是渤海域发现最早的亿吨级油田 ,目前已建成 2 1 6万 t年生产能力 ,累积产油 1 0 57万 t。根据两轮资源评价及勘探实践的认识 ,与本区有关的 8个生油凹陷 (岐口、沙南、渤中、埕北、桩东、青东、莱州湾、潍北 )总资源量约 1 2 .0亿 t,目前已找到探明加控制石油地质储量为 4 .75亿 t,仍有较大的勘探开发潜力。今后将对 8个构造带 (埕子口、埕岛、埕北 3 0、长堤、垦东、青东、青坨子、潍北 )进行勘探 ,落实探明储量 ,进一步投入开发 ,为胜利油田  相似文献   
柴达木盆地新构造运动主要特征与成因机制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究表明,在壳幔结构、地球物理背景、沉积物结构、多层关地幔和构造样式等方面,达木盆地与中国东部新生代裂谷类伸展盆地具有可比性,应该归属 展性盆 。盆地伸展和收缩作用相间进行,伸展起因于地幔底辟;而收缩受两人因素影响;(1)盆地伸展作用受相邻造山带反作用诱导的挤压应力;(2)板块碰撞传递的远程板内应力。在此基础邮新的构造期达木盆地演化的“双层模式”,即地幔上隆-地壳伸展;被动挤压+板内应力-地壳收缩  相似文献   
得尔布干成矿带中段八大关——新峰山成矿地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
得尔布干成矿带中段八大关—新峰山地区断裂构造发育 ,北东向得尔布干深大断裂是重要的控岩控矿构造。与成矿有关岩浆岩主要为燕山期的中性—中酸性侵入岩及次火山岩。赋矿层位主要有上库力组、塔木兰沟组及谢尔塔拉组。在分析典型矿床的成矿地质特征基础上 ,进一步指出找矿方向  相似文献   
本文根据北山地区区域地质背景、成矿地质条件及矿产分布特征,对北山地区初步划分出几个重点成矿远景区,建议作为今后进行区域固体矿产资源潜力评价的方向。  相似文献   
地裂缝灾害研究现状与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1927年美国首先发现地裂缝以来,各国学者对地裂缝的发生、发展进行了细致的研究。美国学者首先从地震研究入手,认为地裂缝的形成受构造因素影响。后逐渐加强研究地下水超采对地裂缝的影响,形成了构造与地下水开采复合成因观点。我国学者重点对汾渭地堑地裂缝成因问题进行了较系统的研究,提出几种成因机理模型,并用GIS技术建立简单的预测预报系统。文章在详细介绍国内、外对地裂缝成因机理和水文特性的研究以及预测、预报工作的同时,对今后研究趋势进行了展望。目前,地裂缝的研究正从以往的定性静态描述转向以过程为目标的精确定量动力学研究。利用相似材料模拟地裂缝的形成与发展,以非线性理论(如分形)对地裂缝系统进行定量的数学描述,建立准确的预测、预报模型(如人工神经网络模型),并与GIS相结合,建立完善的预测、预报系统,减少地裂缝灾害对环境的影响,进而对它加以利用,是今后地裂缝研究的主要方向。  相似文献   
环境岩土工程研究现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏燕  周健 《岩土力学》2004,25(9):1510-1514
小环境岩土工程问题已经逐渐成为环境岩土工程研究的热点问题。笔者对环境岩土工程的研究内容作了简要介绍,简述了国内外在小环境岩土工程研究方面的现状和进展,重点就垃圾卫生填埋问题,特别是沿海软土地区垃圾堆埋场的设计等问题进行了讨论,对国内环境岩土工程的发展提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
沸石在水环境治理中的应用现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章叙述了沸石的基本结构以及吸附、离子交换特性,总结了近年来国内外有关沸石在水环境保护方面的研究与应用成果,提出了沸石在今后的水环境保护和改善方面将具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
文章介绍区域地质背景、矿区地物化特征,对成矿时代、流体包裹体特征进行初步研究,并指出找矿远景,希望对矿区的矿产勘查具有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
泸西小江流域岩溶水有效开发模式   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
王宇  袁道先  杨世瑜 《中国岩溶》2005,24(4):305-311
为了指导岩溶水资源的有效开发和为岩溶石山地区石漠化综合治理提供技术支持,选择典型性突出的泸西小江流域开展示范研究。研究结果认为,由于岩溶生态地质环境条件差异,主要的岩溶水源地类型和岩溶水的赋存特征及开发技术条件也不同。为此,依据流域不同的生态地质环境分区,选择具有典型意义的岩溶水源地利用核磁共振、地质雷达等新技术进行勘查及其开发实验和示范,共设计建设了9项不同技术方案的岩溶水开发示范工程,总结出了适合不同岩溶生态地质环境及其水源地类型的岩溶地下水勘查及开发技术方案和岩溶盆地流域岩溶水有效开发模式。   相似文献   
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