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传统的确定岩溶台面的方法是定性的,因而往往有争议,作为台面高程的峰顶面通常并非平坦地面,这也给客观定量地确定台面高程带来困难。本文基于等高线的分形特征,提出根据等高线的分维-高程曲线确定岩溶台面高程。实例研究初步表明,这是一种简便可行的定量方法。   相似文献   
过去几十年,中国近海有害藻华的发生频率、规模和面积不断增大, 对我国水产养殖业、渔业和近岸生态系统造成了重大损失和威胁。 在引起有害藻华的众多原因中,藻华甲藻的特殊生活史策略,尤其是形成休眠孢囊,提供了一种关键的机理,因为孢囊的形成过程常伴随着基因重组从而增加了藻华藻的生态适应性;孢囊厚的囊壁增加了其对不利环境条件的耐受性;厚的囊壁使其免于病原体感染和捕食攻击;孢囊的适时萌发为藻华提供了“种源”;孢囊可通过自然或人为原因如船舶压舱水传播从而扩大了其地理分布。我们综述并讨论了甲藻生活史和孢囊研究的如下几个重要方面:1)甲藻生活史的复杂性和有关甲藻孢囊概念及归类的争议;2)沉积物中孢囊“作图(cyst mapping)”在藻华模型和预测(报)中的重要性以及孢囊分布/丰度与藻华规模耦合关系的复杂性和条件依赖性;3)孢囊形成和萌发的若干影响因子及其复杂性和可变性;和4)最近些年来分子生物学技术和各种组学手段在甲藻生活史和孢囊研究中的部分应用,特别是植物激素在孢囊形成、萌发过程中的可能作用。在简要评述了国际、国内有关研究历史中的路标性成果后,最后强调了四个值得重视的研究方向。  相似文献   
Most of reported harmful algal blooms(HABs)of microalgae(75%)have been caused by dinoflagellates.Studies on the negative effects of HABs have generally focused on animals,valuable organisms in particular,and environmental factors such as dissolved oxygen and nutrients,but relatively fewer on community level,particularly that using metagenomic approach.In this study,we reported an investigation on the effects of a HAB caused by the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense on the species diversity and community structure of the dinoflagellate sub-community via a pyrosequencing approach for the samples taken before,during,and after the bloom season of P.donghaiense in the East China Sea.We sequenced partial 28S rRNA gene of dinoflagellates for the field samples and evaluated the species richness and diversity indices of the dinoflagellate community,as a sub-community of the total phytoplankton.We obtained 800185 valid sequences(categorized into 560 operational taxonomic units,OTUs)of dinoflagellates from 50 samples and found that the biodiversity of dinoflagellate community was significantly reduced during the blooming period in comparison to that in pre-and after-blooming periods,as reflected in the four diversity indices:the species richness expressed as the number of OTUs,Chao1 index,Shannon index(evenness),and Gini-Simpson index.These four indices were all found to be negatively correlated to the cell density of the bloom species P.donghaiense.Correlation analyses also revealed that the P.donghaiense cell abundance was correlated negatively with NO3--N,and NO2--N,but positively with total nitrogen(TN)and total phosphorus(TP).Principal coordinates analysis(PCoA)showed that the community structure of dinoflagellates was markedly different among the different sampling periods,while the redundancy analysis(RDA)revealed P.donghaiense abundance,salinity,NO3--N,and SiO32-were the most four significant factors shaping the dinoflagellate community structure.Our results together demonstrated that HABs caused by the dinoflagellate P.donghaiense could strongly impact the aquatic ecosystem on the sub-community level which the blooming species belongs to.  相似文献   
王欢  胡章喜  唐赢中 《海洋科学》2017,41(9):94-101
化学互感作用或化感作用(allelopathy)在浮游植物的种群相互作用及动力学过程中起着重要的调节控制作用,已经成为有害藻华生态学研究中的重要领域。但在被研究的种类和化感作用的规律等方面还存在众多空白。本研究选取分离自中国和美国近海的重要藻华甲藻多环旋沟藻(Cochlodinium polykrikoides)、米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)、剧毒卡尔藻(Karlodinium veneficum)、短沟别什莱藻(Biecheleria brevisulcate),在相同的试验条件下(72 h共培养)观察其与另一种常见的藻华甲藻红色赤潮藻(Akashiwo sanguinea)的化感作用。实验结果显示化感效应随种类和特别是起始细胞密度比率而分别表现为抑制或促进共存种的生长。与起始细胞密度为500个/m L的红色赤潮藻共培养时,多环旋沟藻起始密度为250个/m L时促进红色赤潮藻生长,米氏凯伦藻苏澳株和短沟别什莱藻在细胞密度低于1 000个/m L时促进红色赤潮藻生长,同时起始密度为5 000~50 000个/m L的剧毒卡尔藻被红色赤潮藻促进生长。但是,米氏凯伦藻深圳湾株在细胞密度500个/m L以上时均抑制红色赤潮藻生长,多环旋沟藻在起始密度大于250个/m L时开始抑制红色赤潮藻生长,且抑制效应在起始密度2 500个/m L时接近100%。米氏凯伦藻的化感作用在不同株系间表现出显著差异。结果说明有害藻华甲藻之间的化感作用表现出复杂的形式,随着作用的种类和互相之间的密度比率变化而有互相促进、抑制或一方抑制(或促进)另一方等作用,这对进一步认识藻华甲藻的种群动力学具有重要意义。  相似文献   
船舶压舱水可引起外来生物入侵,国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,IMO)因此制定了具有约束力的压舱水公约,已于2019年1月对我国正式生效。大量研究证明船舶压舱泥是有害藻华种类特别是有害甲藻孢囊的携带者。另一方面,有害藻华在我国近三十年频发,尤其是新的种类不断出现。因此,这种态势是否与压舱泥带来的外来种入侵有关是一个具有重要科学和现实意义的问题。我们最近的工作表明,此前国内外通过形态学方法对压舱泥的检测都大大地低估了甲藻孢囊的种类多样性和样品间种类组成的异质性。因此,必须通过更深入全面的实证研究对外源有害藻华甲藻通过压舱泥入侵我国海域进行风险评估。本文从如下几个方面进行了综述与讨论:(1)船舶压舱水(泥)与有害藻华地理扩散;(2)国内外有关压舱泥中甲藻孢囊多样性的检测与溯源研究;(3)我们对美国港口船舶压舱泥的检测发现压舱泥中甲藻孢囊具有很高的种类多样性和样品间的异质性。最后从我们最近的工作及与文献报道的工作比较获得了几个重要的科学问题。在评述国内外研究成果和前期研究结果基础上,提出有必要通过更大量、广泛的国际船舶压舱泥和中国全海域沉...  相似文献   
岩溶形态系统的分形特征及其机理探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡章喜  沈继方 《地球科学》1994,19(1):102-108
运用分形理论,系统研究了构成岩溶形态系统的岩溶地貌、水文网和洞穴系统的分形特征,并计算了分维值,以鄂西岩溶区的地貌小区为例,建立了地表峰体的分维与控制岩溶系统发育的岩性,外源水等因素的联系,揭示了分维的岩溶学含义,进而从岩溶系统介质场结构及岩溶作用过程的非线性动力特征分析探讨了岩溶形态系统的分形机理。  相似文献   
The dinoflagellate genus Margalefidinium has been split from Cochlodinium as a new genus recently and Margalefidinium fulvescens is one of the five Margalefidinium species. Margalefidinium fulvescens is toxic and has been reported from the coastal waters of USA, Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Pakistan and Spain. Here we provide the morphological and phylogenetic characterization for an isolate of it from the Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China. Our results showed that the vegetative cells were subspherical to ellipsoidal, 34–60 μm in length, and 19–41 μm in width. Both single cell forms and colonies in chains of 2, 4, or 8 cells were observed in cultures, but chain forms with 2 or 4 cells were observed more often in the field samples. The cingulum was rather deep, encircling the cell approximately twice, but the sulcus was rather narrow, surrounding the cell about one turn. The nucleus was spherical and located at the central epicone. The chloroplasts were granular, brownish, and scattered peripherally. An orange pigmented body also appeared in the epicone. The apical groove appeared vase-like as previously described. Under epi-fluorescence microscopy, a pumpkin-like structure was clearly observed, in which cells were embedded. Cells were observed to exit from the structure, which led us to a hypothesis that the structure may provide cells a shelter to avoid predation or to respond to other stresses. The phylogenetic analyses based on partial LSU rDNA sequences indicated that M. fulvescens from the Jiaozhou Bay was grouped with M. fulvescens populations from other origins and closely related to the clade of M. polykrikoides.Our morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses together confirmed the presence of M. fulvescens in China and our monitoring has also observed the species dominant in the dinoflagellate community of the Jiaozhou Bay in the early autumn of 2015, which alerted us to continually monitor this bloom-forming species in the region.  相似文献   
Resting cysts are an important part of the life cycle for many harmful algal bloom-forming dinoflagellates, and play vital roles in the recurrence and geographical spread of harmful algal blooms. Numerous factors have been suggested to regulate the formation of resting cysts, although only a few have been proven to be significant. Cyst formation can be induced by adverse environmental conditions such as drastic changes in temperature, light, salinity, and nutrient levels, and by biological interactions. In this study, we evaluated the ability of an artificial factor(fine sand particles) to enhance the formation of resting cysts. Fine sand particles were added to cultures of dinoflagellates that are known to produce cysts. The addition of fine sand particles significantly increased both the production rate and final yield of cysts in cultures of S crippsiella trochoidea, Biecheleria brevisulcata, and Levanderina fissa(= Gymnodinium fissum, Gyrodinium instriatum, Gyr odinium uncatenum). The largest increase in the final yield(107-fold) of cysts as a result of sand addition was in S. trochoidea. However, addition of fine sand particles did not induce cyst formation, or barely af fected cyst formation, in A kashiwo san guinea, Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Pheopolykrikos hartmannii, which are also known to be cyst-producing species. We speculated that addition of sand significantly increased the chances of cell collision, which triggered cyst formation. However, further research is required to test this idea. Importantly, our findings indicate that the addition of fine sand particles is a useful method to obtain a large quantity of cysts in a short time for laboratory studies or tests; for example, if a cyst viability test is being used to assess the eff ectiveness of ships' ballast water treatment.  相似文献   
本文首次对分离于我国广西北部湾的一株棕囊藻(Phaeocystis)纯培养进行了形态学研究。通过对其核糖体大亚基序列(LSU rDNA)进行了系统进化分析,并运用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜等,对该藻的游动单细胞和囊体细胞表面结构和超微结构进行了详细的观察。结果表明,通过分子序列和形态学特征确证了该纯培养为球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystisglobosa)。通过分子系统进化分析,从北部湾获得的球形棕囊藻与同属的P. antarctica和P. rex的亲缘关系较近,但与P. jahnii的亲缘关系相对较远。我们发现该藻至少有两种类型的细胞:具鞭毛游动细胞和无鞭毛囊体细胞,其大小分别为2.30—3.98μm和3.69—6.49μm。具鞭毛游动细胞表面具有1—2个位置不固定但形状较为规则的圆盘状凸起,细胞表面的鳞片大小无明显差别;囊体细胞均匀地分布在囊体上,囊体细胞表面光滑,有三个较短的附属物。具鞭毛游动细胞和囊体细胞有2个或4个叶绿体,具鞭毛游动细胞的细胞核位于细胞的中下部,而囊体细胞的细胞核则位于细胞的中上部。细胞分泌物在扫描电镜样品处理过程后形成多数与细胞相连的丝状物,且丝状物形成较为规则的五角星形结构,每个角与一根丝相连,有些丝状体上有"瘤状"结构。研究结果填补了我国在球形棕囊藻形态学和超微结构研究上的空白,为深入认识其生物学特征及其成囊机理提供基础。  相似文献   
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