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Abstract During the migration of the back arc extension from central to western Greece the Corinth and Patras grabens are being formed. Orthogonal opening of these graben zones is accomplished by WNW listric normal faults and NNE transfer faults which produce an along-axis fragmentation. The listric faults show an increase in the dip of the fault plane westwards as well as a decrease in the maximum extension rate from 50% to the east in the Corinth graben, to 10% to the west in the Patras graben. Similarly, towards the west, Plio-Quaternary deposits become thinner whereas Pliocene sediments thin-out indicating a westward rift propagation.
As the back arc extension migrates westwards it is interacting or is being superimposed above another orthogonal fault system consisting of NNW and ENE normal faults. These faults have been formed during general uplift behind the orogenic front which has been migrating from western Greece to the Ionian islands. The ENE-trending Rio graben which belongs to his orthogonal system connects the Patras graben to the Corinth graben and has subsequently been active as a transfer fault between them.
Plio-Quaternary geodynamic processes in central continental Greece are quite similar to those earlier processes observed in the central Aegean region which reflect the initial stage of continental break-up behind a migrating orogenic front.  相似文献   
Grain-size spectra maps of sands from beaches of the western Peloponnese are related to statistical parameters and can be used to infer characteristics of the sedimentation process involved which were unresolved by previous statistical analysis. On the basis of similarities in spectral patterns, the studied beaches fall into four groups: A, B, C, and D. The periodicity observed on the sinuous pattern of the spectra map of groups A and B is interpreted as indicating edge-wave activity. Regarding group D, the gradual W—E increase of particle size along the coast suggests a W—E increase of wave energy, which is also reflected by the inclined trend of the spectra map. Lack of periodicity on the contour pattern of group C probably reflects intensive sample-to-sample sorting variation.  相似文献   
A new subtype of Gilbert-type fan deltas, ‘the trapezoidal fan delta’, characterized by the absence of bottomset deposits, is recognized in the south-western active margins of the Corinth rift in central Greece. They are formed adjacent to master extensional listric faults and developed by progradation either onto a subaqueous basin escarpment or across a subaerial platform where alluvial fans have accumulated. Simultaneously with master fault activity, displacements on counter faults along intrabasinal basement highs produced fan delta foreset deposits. Furthermore, footwall imbrication and uplift along the listric faults, as well as transfer fault displacement, have strongly influenced the pattern of fan delta sedimentation.  相似文献   
In this paper we present sedimentological, geochemical, mineralogical and 14C Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) dating data of a 21.0‐m core obtained from Alikes Lagoon, Zakynthos Island. It is the first time that sedimentological and geochemical data are presented, up to 21‐m depth, from an Holocene coastal lagoon environment of the Ionia Sea, western Greece. The sedimentological properties and the geochemical composition of sediments were studied for the time period between 8540 years bp to present. Samples were analysed for their particle size, calcium carbonate and total organic carbon (TOC) content. Moreover, bulk sample chemical analyses for major and trace elements were carried out, as well as bulk, oriented mineralogical analyses for the clay fraction (<2 µm) were determined by powder X‐Ray diffraction. The grain size characteristics, statistical parameters and TOC, for the Holocene analysed samples, suggest a coastal environment (restricted‐shallow) with reduced salinity such as a tidal flat and/or particularly marsh in a lagoon margin. Sediment characteristics as well as trace element records may contain additional new palaeoclimate information that provide important new constraint on sediment depositional environment and Holocene climate. Stratigraphic variation of geochemical indices, such as Rb/Ti, Cs/Ti, Eu/Eu*, Th/Ti, La/Ti, Ta/Ti, Yb/Ti and Y/Ti, for the sediments with ages from 8540 to 7210 years bp , remain relatively constant indicating that the provenance of the Alikes Lagoon remained similar throughout the mid Holocene. However, geochemical indices in sediments with ages from 7110 years bp to present, indicate the transition from a warm and wet climate in the middle Holocene to a relatively cold climatic conditions in modern times. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Graded sand-to-mud beds are a common shelf facies in the rock record. Similar beds were studied in nine cores from the sandmud transition at the edge of Emerald Basin to determine their frequency and mode of origin. Graded sand-to-mud beds 5 to 20 cm thick can be correlated between cores and thicken basinwards, with average sand content decreasing from 60% to 5% over 7 km. European weed pollen distribution indicates only the top bed is less than 200 years old. The graded beds were deposited from suspension during storms with a several hundred year recurrence interval.  相似文献   
The Mesohellenic Trough is a 130 km long and about 30 km wide subsiding area which contains a thick sequence of well exposed Late Cenozoic post-orogenic sediments. This intermontane basin, located at the contact between the Apulian and Pelagonian collided margins, provides a good example of the characteristics needed to study the chronology of late orogenic intracontinental structures.The Mesohellenic Trough was developed from the Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene as a piggy-back basin along the eastern flanks of a giant pop-up structure. This structure consists of west-verging, foreland-propagating thrusts within the Apulian plate and of east-verging backthrusts within the Pelagonian plate. As a result the eastern parts of the Apulian margin were thickened and uplifted, followed by post-orogenic collapse.Internal deformation of the sedimentary infill varies widely along the trough axis. At the northern and southern terminations of the trough, two small indentors induced a tectonic escape towards the central part of the basin until the Middle Miocene. During this process of convergent wrenching, reverse strike-slip faults and pure strike-slip faults formed. Towards the central part of the trough, convergent wrenching decreased gradually until it was replaced by a post-orogenic collapse with normal and oblique normal faults trending parallel and/or perpendicular to the trough axis.  相似文献   
Two depocentres, >4200 m and >3200 m thick, have been recognized in the Mesohellenic piggy-back basin of middle Eocene to middle Miocene age, where submarine fans have accumulated unconformably over an ophiolite complex. The hydrocarbon potential is indicated by the presence of kerogen types II/III with minor amounts of type I; the evidence is mostly for wet gas and gas, with minor oil. Source rocks are the middle Eocene to lower Oligocene Krania and Eptachori formations, of up to 2000 m total thickness, reaching maturation during the early Miocene. The source rocks consist of outer fan and basin plain deposits. They are conformably overlain by the lower member (late Oligocene) of the up to 2600 m thick Pentalophos Formation, which consists mostly of thick submarine sandstone lobes. Possible stratigraphically trapped reservoirs include the lower member of the Pentalophos Formation, which overlies source rocks, as well as limestones tectonically intercalated within the ophiolite complex, underlying the source rocks. Traps may have formed also on the western side of an internal thrust (Theotokos Thrust), which influenced the evolution of the depocentres.  相似文献   
Pliocene–Quaternary basins of the Ionian islands evolved in a complex tectonic setting that evolved from a mid to late Cenozoic compressional zone of the northern external Hellenides to the rapidly extending Pliocene–Quaternary basins of the Peloponnese. The northern limit of the Hellenic Trench marks the junction of these two tectonic regimes. A foreland-propagating fold and thrust system in the northern external Hellenides segmented the former Miocene continental margin basin in Zakynthos and permitted diapiric intrusion of Triassic gypsum along thrust ramps. Further inboard, coeval extensional basins developed, with increasing rates of subsidence from the Pliocene to Quaternary, resulting in four principal types of sedimentation: (1) condensed shelf-sedimentation on the flanks of rising anticlines; (2) coarse-grained sedimentation in restricted basins adjacent to evaporitic diapirs rising along thrust ramps; (3) larger basins between fold zones were filled by extrabasinal, prodeltaic mud and sand from the proto-Acheloos river; (4) margins of subsiding Quaternary basins were supplied at sea-level highstands by distal deltaic muds and at lowstands by locally derived coarse clastic sediment.  相似文献   
Rivers in the western Gulf of Corinth have built gravelly fan deltas into waters 100–300 m deep. Seismic profiles (3.5 kHz) and gravity cores show that sand-filled channels extend seaward of modern distributary mouths and lead to sandy depositional lobes in deeper water. Much of the fan delta slope is underlain by mud. Closely spaced gullies cut the interchannel ridges on either side of the main channels. Incised slope valleys occur on east-facing slopes, where the wave fetch is greatest, and may be formed by rip-current-induced turbidity currents.  相似文献   
The post-Miocene sedimentary and structural evolution of NW-continental Greece changes from west to east.In the west, along the Ionian coast, the tectonic activity of the Mio-Pliocene marine sedimentation is reflected in olisthostromes and intrafoliated folds. During the emergence of the area at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, low angle thrusting, dissolution cleavage and open NNW to NNE trending folds, were developed. This horizontal shortening is the result of active plate convergence between the Apulian plate and the Aegean plate. Subsequent vertical movements continuing till the precent, produces mainly NNW and ENE directed faults.In the east, between the Ionian coast and Pindus thrust, nonmarine sedimentation began, in the middle Pliocene, on a folded and partially eroded substratum. Long fault bounded intramountaneous basins formed during general uplift and extension in three directions: NNW, ENE and WNW. Extension in both areas, resulting from NNW and ENE faults, is interpreted in terms of the action of upwelling convective currents induced by the Hellenic subduction. As the Aegean back arc extension migrated slowly westwards, the whole study area was gradually affected by WNW trending grabens.
Zusammenfassung Spätmiozäne Sedimentationsprozesse sowie strukturelle Entwicklung ändern sich in NW kontinental-Griechenland in E-W Richtung.An der Ionischen Küste wurden während der spätmiozänen Absenkung des Sedimentationsraumes mächtige Olisthostrome und intrafoliale Falten gebildet. An der Grenze des Plio/Pleistozäns wurden flache überschiebungen, Lösungsschieferung und NNW bis NNE streichende, geöffnete Falten entwickelt. Diese tektonische Strukturen sind das Ergebnis aktiver Plattenkonvergenz zwischen der apulischen lithosphären-Platte und der ägäischen Platte. Während der postorogenen Aufhebung sind NNW und ENE streichende Verwerfungen entstanden.Im mittleren Pliozän wurden im Raum zwischen Ionischem Meer und der Pindos überschiebung auf dem gefalteten und teilweise erodierten Untergrund vorwiegend limnisch-terrestrische Sedimente abgelagert. Während der postorogenen Ausweitung sind Absenkungsräume in NNW- und ENE Richtung entstanden. Sie sind vermutlich das Ergebnis von Konvektionsströmungen innerhalb der Asthenosphäre, die durch die Hellenische Subduktion hervorgerufen wurden.Die Krustenausdehnung im ägäischen »back-arc basin« hat sich kontinuierlich gegen Westen verlagert, so da\ West-Griechenland zusätzlich von WNW streichenden Grabenstrukturen weitgehend deformiert ist.

Résumé La partie nord-occidentale de la Grèce continentale montre, d'est en ouest, une modification des processus sédimentaires et structuraux.A l'ouest, le long de la cÔte ionienne, la sédimentation marine subsidente tardi-miocène s'est accompagnée de puissants olisthostromes et de plis intrafoliaux. La limite Pliocène-Pleistocène a vu se développer des charriages peu inclinés et des plis ouverts NNE à NNW accompagnés d'une schistosité de dissolution. Ce raccourcissement horizontal est le résultat de la convergence des plaques apulienne et égéenne. Il a été suivi de mouvements subséquents verticaux, encore actifs aujourd'hui, responsables de failles de directions NNW et ENE.Plus à l'est, entre la cÔte ionienne et le charriage du Pinde, une sédimentation continentale s'est installée, au Pliocène moyen, sur le substratum plissé et partiellement érodé. Au cours du soulèvement post-orogénique, des bassins intramontagneux de grabens se sont formés selon trois directions: NNW, ENE et WNW. Les deux premières sont interprétées comme le résultat de courants de convection induits dans l'asthénosphère par la subduction hellénique. Les grabens WNW seraient en relation avec le déplacement progressif vers l'ouest de la zone d'extension crustale du bassin d'arrière-arc égéen.

, NW EW. . / , , NNW NNE. , . , NNW-ENE. - . NNW-ENE. , - , , . , , WNW.
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