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Historical data of total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT), together with nitrate and phosphate, have been used to model the evolution of these constituents over the year in the Atlantic water of the Norwegian Sea. Changes in nutrient concentration in the upper layer of the ocean are largely related to biological activity, but vertical mixing with the underlying water will also have an impact. A mixing factor is estimated and used to compute the entrainment of these constituents into the surface water from below. After taking the mixing contribution into account, the resulting nutrient concentration changes are attributed to biological production or decay. The results of the model show that the change in CT by vertical mixing and by biological activity based on nutrient equivalents needs another sink to balance the carbon budget. It cannot be the atmosphere as the surface water is undersaturated with respect to carbon dioxide and is, thus, a source of CT in this region. Inasmuch as the peak deficit of carbon is more than a month later than for the nutrients, the most plausible explanation is that other nitrogen and phosphate sources than the inorganic salts are used together with dissolved inorganic carbon during this period. As nitrate and phosphate show a similar trend, it is unlikely that the explanation is the use of ammonia or nitrogen fixation but rather dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphate, while dissolved organic carbon is accumulating in the water.  相似文献   
Eclogites formed by the Lufilian (post-Katanga) metamorphism of gabbros intruded into rocks of the Katanga System (Upper Proterozoic) occur in the Central Province of Zambia. Typical constituents of these rocks are omphacite, almandine garnet with significant contents of the pyrope and grossular components, kyanite and rutile. Eclogites from some localities display well preserved, relict ophitic texture inherited from the original gabbro. Hornblende-scapolite metagabbro and coronite metagabbro often accompany the eclogites, and metalherzolite and serpentinite occur at a few localities. The Zambian eclogites are broadly associated with a variety of relatively high-pressure, kyanite-bearing mineral assemblages some of which are possibly in the eclogite facies. It is suggested that, in addition to temperature and load pressure, fluid pressure, fluid composition (H2O, CO2, Cl, SO3) and permeability of the gabbro due to deformation were important factors for the transformation of gabbro to eclogite in the environment of the Lufilian Arc.  相似文献   
The delineation of groundwater discharge areas based on Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) data of the streambed can be difficult in soft‐bedded streams where sedimentation and scouring processes constantly change the position of the fibre optic cable relative to the streambed. Deposition‐induced temperature anomalies resemble the signal of groundwater discharge while scouring will cause the cable to float in the water column and measure stream water temperatures. DTS applied in a looped layout with nine fibre optic cable rows in a 70 × 5 m section of a soft‐bedded stream made it possible to detect variability in streambed temperatures between October 2011 and January 2012. Detailed monthly streambed elevation surveys were carried out to monitor the position of the fibre optic cable relative to the streambed and to quantify the effect of sedimentation processes on streambed temperatures. Based on the simultaneous interpretation of streambed temperature and elevation data, a method is proposed to delineate potential high‐groundwater discharge areas and identify deposition‐induced temperature anomalies in soft‐bedded streams. Potential high‐discharge sites were detected using as metrics the daily minimum, maximum and mean streambed temperatures as well as the daily amplitude and standard deviation of temperatures. The identified potential high‐discharge areas were mostly located near the channel banks, also showing temporal variability because of the scouring and redistribution of streambed sediments, leading to the relocation of pool‐riffle sequences. This study also shows that sediment deposits of 0.1 m thickness already resulted in an increase in daily minimum streambed temperatures and decrease in daily amplitude and standard deviation. Scouring sites showed lower daily minimum streambed temperatures and higher daily amplitude and standard deviation compared with areas without sedimentation and scouring. As a limitation of the approach, groundwater discharge occurring at depositional and scouring areas cannot be identified by the metrics applied. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of the time distribution methodology presented in this paper is to generate constellations whose satellites share a set of relative trajectories in a given time, and maintain that property over time without orbit corrections. The model takes into account a series of orbital perturbations such as the gravitational potential of the Earth, the atmospheric drag, the Sun and the Moon as disturbing third bodies and the solar radiation pressure. These perturbations are included in the design process of the constellation. Moreover, the whole methodology allows to design constellations with multiple relative trajectories that can be distributed in a minimum number of inertial orbits.  相似文献   
Summary In granulites of South-Bohemia not only the usually occurring Al2SiO5 polymorphs, kyanite and sillimanite, were found but also andalusite. Its presence indicates that the metamorphic development of these granulites is characterized by a high PT-gradient. The granulitic rocks of the Bohemian Massif can be regarded as a facies series ranging from the granulite facies through the amphibolite facies to the hornblende-hornfels facies. The lower limit of the PT-conditions of this series should be placed below the position of the triple point of Al2SiO5.
Andalusit in Granuliten der Böhmischen Masse
Zusammenfassung In den Mineralparagenesen der südböhmischen Granulite wurde neben den üblicherweise auftretenden Al2SiO5-Modifikationen, Disthen und Sillimanit, auch Andalusit gefunden. Seine Anwesenheit weist darauf hin, daß die metamorphe Entwicklung der erwähnten Granulite durch einen ausgeprägten PT-Gradienten gekennzeichnet wurde. Die Granulitgesteine der Böhmischen Masse kann man als eine Faziesserie ansehen, die von der Granulitfazies über die Amphibolitfazies bis in die Hornblende-Hornfelsfazies reicht. Die untere Grenze der PT-Bedingungen dieser Serie ist unter die Lage des Tripelpunktes von Al2SiO5 zu setzen.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
Aquifer vulnerability and water quality were assessed in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca (Mexico) using the SINTACS method, based on a geographic information system. SINTACS layers were prepared using data such as climate (rainfall and temperature), water table, hydraulic conductivity, geology, soil type and topographic model. Maps for water quality index (WQI), contamination index and pollution sources index (PSI) were also obtained by this work. Groundwater quality in the Central Valleys may be affected by two factors, those with an anthropogenic origin and those with natural origin. High vulnerability values are located in the valleys of the basin, where granular sediments are exposed. Low vulnerability values are distributed in the basin??s ranges, where metamorphic rocks are found. Given that many of the zones with the highest groundwater vulnerability values correspond to zones with the greatest PSI values, there is great risk of groundwater contamination for the area of study because external (indicated by PSI) and internal (indicated by SINTACS) factors that cause pollution can be frequently observed in the same place. Geographic weighted regression (GWR) is used to test the dependency between WQI as dependent variable and SINTACS, PSI, Urban localities, Agriculture, Pastures and Rivers as predictors. The results indicate the non-stationary behavior of the dependent variable with respect to the predictors. While the obtained GWR models used to model WQI cannot be used in practical situations to predict the behavior of said variable, they can be used to estimate the degree to which the predictors influence the variable of interest.  相似文献   
A series of medium grade metamorphic rocks of the western sector of the Sierras Pampeanas Terrane in central western Argentina are represented by amphibolites, gneisses and schists derived from sedimentary as well as from igneous rocks. The metavolcanics consist of amphibolites, quartz-K-feldspar-muscovite schists, and hornblende-biotite and biotite-epidote-plagioclase schists. Based on petrographic and geochemical data they are interpreted as originating as basaltic tholeiites, rhyolites and mesosilicic volcanics. The distribution and geochemical behavior are similar to present day western Pacific lavas, mainly those developed on island arcs or heavily attenuated continental crust. Based on these characteristics, an accretionary tectonic model involving a series of island-arc collisions is proposed for the Proterozoic. The complex Proterozoic tectonic history of the western Sierras Pampeanas has been partially obliterated by the emplacement of the Early Paleozoic magmatic arc rocks.  相似文献   
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