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Grain size distributions of the suspended loads above a bed of bimodal size distribution (size range 2-00-0.04 mm) were studied in a laboratory flume at water velocities varying from 42 to 160 cm/s. With increase of velocity the phi (logarithmic) size distribution of the suspended particles (at 5-20 cm above the bed) changed from a strongly skewed to a nearly symmetrical, unimodal form (nearly lognormal) through an intermediate bimodal stage. At low velocity the skewness of the distribution changed from positive to negative with increase of height. The experiments indicate that lognormality of‘weight frequency’ distribution of grain sizes is a transitional feature, attained through size sorting within a critical range of velocity and height above a sand bed of a given composition. The observed changes in the size distribution patterns were effected by a differential rate of increase in weight in the different size classes in suspension with increase of flow velocity. The phenomenon could be explained by the equation of relative suspension concentration which relates the relative concentration of a suspended particle of a particular diameter to the flow velocity of the turbulent fluid and the height of suspension above the bed.  相似文献   
Grain-size frequency distributions of suspended loads at different flow velocities and over sand beds of four different grain-size patterns were studied in a laboratory flume. The proportion of bed material which went into suspension increased with decrease of grain-size in each case, but the modes of the suspended loads occurred in the size classes intermediate between the coarsest and the finest. With increase of flow velocity, as also with decrease of the bed's mean grain-size, the total amount of material in suspension markedly increased, mainly due to addition of particles to the medium size classes. The coarsest grains in the bed resisted erosion due to their weight, whereas the finest ones were either not available in sufficient quantities or resisted erosion due to their homogeneity. The finest of the erodible grains which were abundantly available in bed were therefore, lifted up in large quantities. This size sorting took place at or near the bed surface and was closely related to the process of bed form migration. Large accumulation of medium sized particles in suspension at high velocities led to lognormal grain-size distributions when the nature of the bed (source) material was suitable. At lower velocities, or over other types of bed materials, the phi (log)-probability plots of cumulative grain-size distributions of the suspended loads resolved into a number of straight lines. Mixtures of linear segments on phi-probability graphs therefore, need not necessarily indicate different modes of sediment transportation, as is commonly believed, but might reflect the conditions of flow and the nature of the source material.  相似文献   
A simple mathematical technique based on regressional analysis allows the transformation of dipolar, Wenner and two-electrode apparent resistivity sounding curves to Schlumberger ones. The algorithm is suitable for a programmable pocket calculator and the accuracy is very high. This has been demonstrated by comparing Schlumberger master curves with transformations of master curves for the other configurations for the same model.  相似文献   
Abstract Spinel-quartz-cordierite and spinel-quartz are found as relic prograde assemblages in Fe-rich granulites from the Araku area, Eastern Ghats belt, India. Subsequent reactions produced orthopyroxene + sillimanite in the former association and garnet + sillimanite in the latter. The first reaction is univariant in the FMAS system, but is trivariant in the present case because of the presence of Zn and Fe3+ in spinel. The second reaction also has high variance because of Zn and Fe3+, but also because of the presence of Ca in garnet. Thermobarometry shows that the metamorphic conditions were approximately 950° C and 8.5 kbar and the fo 2 was near the NNO buffer. In Fe-rich bulk compositions and low- P -high- T conditions of metamorphism, two of the univariant reactions around the invariant point [Sa], namely (Sa, Hy) and (Sa, Cd), change topology due to reverse partitioning of Fe-Mg between coexisting garnet and spinel. An alternative partial petrogenetic grid in the system FMAS is constructed for such conditions and is applied satisfactorily to several sapphirine-free spinel granulites. It is shown that bulk composition ( X Fe and Zn) exerts greater control on the stability of spinel + quartz than fo 2. The effect of the presence of Zn and Fe3+ in spinel on the proposed grid is evaluated. Reaction textures in the Araku spinel granulites can be explained from the petrogenetic grid as due to near-isobaric cooling.  相似文献   
A suite of metapelites, charnockites, calc-silicate rocks, quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and mafic granulites is exposed at Garbham, a part of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt of India. Reaction textures and mineral compositional data have been used to determine the P–T–X evolutionary history of the granulites. In metapelites and charnockites, dehydration melting reactions involving biotite produced quartzofeldspathic segregations during peak metamorphism. However, migration of melt from the site of generation was limited. Subsequent to peak metamorphism at c . 860° C and 8 kbar, the complex evolved through nearly isothermal decompression to 530–650° C and 4–5 kbar. During this phase, coronal garnet grew in the calc-silicates, while garnet in the presence of quartz broke down in charnockite and mafic granulite. Fluid activities during metamorphism were internally buffered in different lithologies in the presence of a melt phase. The P–T path of the granulites at Garbham contrasts sharply with the other parts of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt where the rocks show dominantly near-isobaric cooling subsequent to peak metamorphism.  相似文献   
Spinel granulites, with or without sapphirine, occur as lensesin garnetiferous quartzofeldspathic gneisses (leptynites) nearGokavaram in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. Spinel granulitesare mineralogically heterogeneous and six mineral associationsoccur in closely spaced domains. These are (I) spinel–quartz–cordierite,(II) spinel–quartz–cordierite–garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite,(III) spinel–cordierite–orthopyroxene–sillimanite,(IV) spinel–quartz–sapphirine–sillimanite–garnet,(V) spinel–quartz-sapphirine–garnet and (IV) rhombohedral(Fe–Ti) oxide–cordierite–orthopyroxene–sillimanite.Common to all the associations are a porphyroblastic garnet(containing an internal schistosify defined by biotite, sillimaniteand quartz), perthite and plagioclase. Spinel contains variableamounts of exsolved magnetite and is distinctly Zn rich in thesapphirine-absent associations. XMg in the coexisting phasesdecreases in the order cordierite–biotite–sapphirine–orthopyroxene–spinel–garnet–(Fe–Ti)oxides. Textural criteria and compositional characteristicsof the phases document several retrograde mineral reactionswhich occurred subsequent to prograde dehydration melting reactionsinvolving biotite, sillimanite, quartz, plagioclase and spinel.The following retrograde mineral reactions are deduced: (1)spinel + quartz cordierite, (2) spinel + quartz garnet + sillimanite,(3) garnet + quartz cordierite + orthopyroxene, (4) garnet+ quartz + sillimanite cordierite, (5) spinel + cordierite orthopyroxene + sillimanite, (6) spinel + sillimanite + quartz sapphirine, (7) spinel + sapphirine + quartz garnet + sillimanite,and (8) spinel + quartz sapphirine + garnet. A partial petrogeneticgrid for the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–K2O–H2Oat high fo2, has been constructed and the effects of ZnO andFe2O3 on this grid have been explored Combining available experimentaland natural occurrence data, the high fo2 invariant points inthe partial grid have been located in P–T space. Geothermobarometricdata and consideration of the deduced mineral reactions in thepetrogenetic grid show that the spinel granulites evolved throughan anticlockwise P–T trajectory reaching peak metamorphicconditions >9 kbar and 950C, followed by near-isobaric cooling(dT/dP = 150C/kbar). This was superimposed by an event of near-isothermaldecompression (dT/dP = 15C/kbar). The studied spinel granulites,therefore, preserve relic prograde mineral associations andreaction textures despite being metamorphosed at very high temperatures,and bear evidence of polymetamorphism. KEY WORDS: spinel granulite; Eastern Ghats; India; polymetamorphism; geothermometry; geobarometry Corresponding author  相似文献   
Computation of the grain-size distribution of the suspended load above a sand bed must take into consideration: (1) sorting processes from the bed to the bed layer and (2) sorting between the bed layer and suspension. Grain-size distributions of the bed layers above sand beds of three different types have been computed in this work, both by the Einstein and the Gessler methods. Using these as references, suspended load distributions have been obtained in each case by the Rouse suspension equation. A new formula has also been developed in partial modification of Hunt's method for direct computation of bed load and suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution and flow parameters. Comparison of the computed data with actual observations in laboratory flumes show that no one method is particularly superior to the others, but the present method is advantageous because it affords direct computation of the suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution, without going through an intermediate stage (bed load). The possible sources of error in each of the methods have been discussed.  相似文献   
The growth of tidal flats off Zhejiang coasts in southwestern China has provided substantial areas for local agriculture and construction activities. To evaluat...  相似文献   
‘Sakenites’ constitute a unique association of corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing anorthitic to phlogopitic rocks, first described in rocks from an exposure along the beds of the Sakena river to the NW of Ihosy, south Madagascar. The exposure has been revisited and subjected to a detailed petrological and geochemical study. The aluminous anorthitic rocks occur as boudinaged bands and lenses, closely associated with corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing phlogopitites, diverse calcsilicate rocks and marbles within a series of biotite‐sillimanite‐cordierite gneisses of the Ihosy granulite unit in the NW of the Pan‐African Bongolava‐Ranotsara shear zone. Bimineralic anorthite + corundum domains preserve the earliest record of a polyphasic evolutionary history that includes two distinct metasomatic episodes. Probable protoliths of these bimineralic rocks were kaolinite‐rich sediments or calcareous bauxites that were altered by Ca or Si infiltration‐metasomatism prior to or coeval with the development of the anorthite‐corundum assemblage. P–T pseudosection modelling of metapelitic gneisses suggests peak‐conditions around 800 °C and 6–7 kbar for the regional high‐grade metamorphism and deformation in the NW part of the Bongolava‐Ranotsara shear zone. The well‐annealed granoblastic‐polygonal textures indicate complete chemical and textural re‐equilibration of the foliated bimineralic rocks during this event. Subsequently, at somewhat lower P–T conditions (750–700 °C, 6 kbar), the influx of Mg‐, Si‐ and K‐bearing fluids into the anorthite‐corundum rocks caused significant metasomatic changes. In zones infiltrated by ‘primary’ potassic fluids, the bimineralic assemblage was completely replaced by phlogopite and Mg‐Al minerals, thereby producing corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing phlogopitites. Further advance of the resulting ‘residual’ Mg‐ and Si‐bearing fluids into anorthite‐corundum domains led to partial to complete replacement of corundum porphyroblasts by spinel, spinel + sapphirine or sapphirine, depending on the activities of the solutes. The static textures developed during this second metasomatic episode suggest fluid influx subsequent to intense ductile deformation in the Bongolava‐Ranotsara ductile shear zone c. 530–500 Ma ago.  相似文献   
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