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Barite (BaSO4) deposits generally arise from mixing of soluble barium-containing fluids with sulfate-rich fluids. While the role of biological processes in modulating barium solubility has been shown, no studies have shown that the biological oxidation of sulfide to sulfate leads to barite deposition. Here we present an example of microbially mediated barite deposition in a continental setting. A spring in the Anadarko Basin of southwestern Oklahoma produces water containing abundant barium and sulfide. As emergent water travels down a stream to a nearby creek, sulfate concentration increases from 0.06 mM to 2.2 mM while Ba2+ concentration drops from 0.4 mM to less than 7 μM. Stable isotope analysis, microbial activity studies, and in situ experiments provide evidence that as sulfide-rich water flows down the stream, anaerobic, anoxygenic, phototrophic bacteria play a dominant role in oxidizing sulfide to sulfate. Sulfate then precipitates with Ba2+ producing barite as travertine, cements, crusts, and accumulations on microbial mats. Our studies suggest that phototrophic sulfide oxidation and concomitant sulfur cycling could prove to be important processes regulating the cycling of barium in continental sulfur-containing systems.  相似文献   
The unexplored area of Azarhare in central Morocco is studied thanks to three sections composed of five lithological facies Main biostratigraphical and sedimentological results concern (1) the identification of Late Visean biozones, with important presence of problematic algae Ungdarella, (2) the regional extension of deposit sequences SD5, SD6 and SD7 previously defined, (3) and an analysis of the diagenetic kaolinite. To cite this article: A. Karim et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The origin of the Anti‐Atlas relief is one of the currently debated issues of Moroccan geology. To constrain the post‐Variscan evolution of the Central Anti‐Atlas, we collected nine samples from the Precambrian basement of the Bou Azzer‐El Graara inlier for zircon and apatite fission‐track thermochronology. Zircon ages cluster between 340 ± 20 and 306 ± 20 Ma, whereas apatite ages range from 171 ± 7 Ma to 133 ± 5 Ma. Zircon ages reflect the thermal effect of the Variscan orogeny (tectonic thickening of the ca. 7 km‐thick Paleozoic series), likely enhanced by fluid advection. Apatite ages record a complex Mesozoic–Cenozoic exhumation history. Track length modelling yields evidence that, (i) the Precambrian basement was still buried at ca. 5 km depth by Permian times, (ii) the Central Anti‐Atlas was subjected to (erosional) exhumation during the Triassic‐Early Cretaceous, then buried beneath ca. 1.5 km‐thick Cretaceous‐Paleogene deposits, (iii) final exhumation took place during the Neogene, contemporaneously with that of the High Atlas.  相似文献   
This study aimed to identify indicator species and explore the most important environmental and management variables contributing to vegetation distribution in a hilly upper dam landscape in Zagros Mountain chain, Iran. A stratified random sampling method was used to collect topographic, edaphic, management and vegetation data. The density and cover percentage of perennial species were measured quantitatively. Indicator species were identified using the two-way indicator species analysis. Besides calculating physiognomic factors in sample sites, 24 soil samples were collected from 0 to 30 cm of soil depth and analyzed in terms of gravel percentage, texture, saturation moisture, organic matter, pH and electrical conductivity in saturation extract, lime percentage, soluble calcium and magnesium, available phosphorus, Cation Exchange Capacity(CEC) and soluble sodium and potassium. Multivariate techniques including Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Multi-Dimensional Scaling were used to explore the relationships of species with environmental and management variables. Seven plants were identified as indicator species due to being significantly correlated with management(grazing or non-grazing) and edaphic variables such as CEC, soil texture, pH, CaCO_3 percentage and physiographic variable including slope, elevation, and convex and concave formations(p 0.05). Overall, overgrazing and its subsequent effects on soil characteristics, loss of vegetation cover and trampling were found as the major causes of deterioration. Sustainable and integrated management practices such as the implementation of appropriate grazing systems were suggested to enhance soil quality and reduce the accelerated erosion in upper dam zones.  相似文献   
This study aims at evaluating the global geoid model for a regional shoreline fitting using advanced soft computing techniques and global navigation satellite system/leveling measurements. Artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and least square support vector machine models are developed and used to fit the global geoid model for the north coastal Egyptian line. In addition, a novel estimation geoid model is designed and evaluated based on the latest global geoid models. The results of the three estimation models show that they can be used to correct the shoreline geoid model, in terms of root mean square error that ranges from 1.7 to 8.5?cm. Moreover, it is found that the least square vector machine model is a competitive approach with certain advantage in solving complex problems represented by missing data.  相似文献   
The Airekan and Cheshmeh Shotori areas are located about 60 km northeast of Khour, in Isfahan province from Central Iran. Research on characteristics and rare earth elements (REE) pattern in hydrogeochemical environments of these areas suggests the same origin for the elements dissolved in groundwater in these areas. Investigation of migration pattern of REE in hydrogeochemical environments shows that the migration and transportation of REE has occurred through chloride complexes. REEs, leached by water/rock interaction from the Airekan granite, are transported by groundwater and then precipitated in the Cheshmeh Shotori area. Study of the Cheshmeh Shotori sediments shows the presence of a sequence of red oxidized and dark layers. Geochemical characteristics of these sediments reveal that their REE characteristics are mainly inherited from the Airekan granite. Changes in the REE pattern of these sediments with depth show that changes in oxidation and reduction process have not played a significant role in controlling their behavior. It is crucial to note that adsorption of REEs dissolved in water by hydrosilicate increases these elements in depth. The REE behavior shows water/rock interaction between the granitic rocks and groundwater as the main factor of solution, migration and precipitation of REEs in the Cheshmeh Shotori area.  相似文献   
Mineralogical, geochemical, and textural analyses of the white sandstones (Abu Thora Fm.) of Carboniferous in the Abu Rodeiyim region show that they are fluviomarine, well-sorted, high-purity, and high-grade silica SiO2 (average 99.56%). The results indicate that by simple treatment, the white sandstones can reach a high degree of purity, suitable for different industrial purposes (e.g. manufacture of silicon photovoltaic, crystal, and TV screens, art, and domestic and optical glass).  相似文献   
Accidental spills of hydrocarbons, such as Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs), are one of the most common sources of subsurface contamination. Migration of LNAPL in a porous medium is influenced by various factors such as the number of fluids present in the unsaturated/saturated zones and the proportion of pores occupied by each fluid. The results for relationship between matric suction and degree of saturation are presented in this paper for water–air, water–LNAPL and LNAPL–air systems in a sand. A simple and reliable setup using Buchner funnel was designed to obtain these relations. It was found that the relationship between matric suction head and degree of saturation is hysteretic for all the fluid systems (water–air, water–LNAPL and LNAPL–air). Furthermore, the amount of hysteresis depended upon the fluid system, with the maximum hysteresis occurring for water–air system. The results suggest that the amount of trapped air depends upon the reversal degree of saturation from drying to wetting.  相似文献   
One important tool for water resources management in arid and semi-arid areas is groundwater potential mapping. In this study, four data-mining models including K-nearest neighbor (KNN), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), and quadric discriminant analysis (QDA) were used for groundwater potential mapping to get better and more accurate groundwater potential maps (GPMs). For this purpose, 14 groundwater influence factors were considered, such as altitude, slope angle, slope aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, slope length, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index, distance from rivers, river density, distance from faults, fault density, land use, and lithology. From 842 springs in the study area, in the Khalkhal region of Iran, 70 % (589 springs) were considered for training and 30 % (253 springs) were used as a validation dataset. Then, KNN, LDA, MARS, and QDA models were applied in the R statistical software and the results were mapped as GPMs. Finally, the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was implemented to evaluate the performance of the models. According to the results, the area under the curve of ROCs were calculated as 81.4, 80.5, 79.6, and 79.2 % for MARS, QDA, KNN, and LDA, respectively. So, it can be concluded that the performances of KNN and LDA were acceptable and the performances of MARS and QDA were excellent. Also, the results depicted high contribution of altitude, TWI, slope angle, and fault density, while plan curvature and land use were seen to be the least important factors.  相似文献   
Alluvial fans are one of the most important landforms in geomorphological and paloenvironmental studies. The objective of this study was the application of clay mineral assemblages and micromorphological properties of the studied paleosols in the geomorphic surfaces of an alluvial fan in the eastern Isfahan as proxies for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes. Micromorphology, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy approaches were used to study the representative pedons. The results indicated that the illuviation process in the calcareous soils of the arid regions of the eastern Isfahan was probably in response to Quaternary moist conditions. There was no significant difference between clay coating properties of the studied relict and buried paleosols. Clay mineralogical study suggested that kaolinite and illite were inherited from the parent materials, while smectite and palygorskite were formed in the soil environment. Paleoargillic horizon was characterized by smectite and calcic (especially the calcrete) horizons were dominated by palygorskite. Palygorskite was accumulated by both neoformation and illuviation processes. High clay content, high intensity of smectite peak, and activity of the illuviation process in paleoargillic horizon demonstrated the seasonality of climate (rainfall) even in the moist periods of Quaternary in Central Iran. Clay mineralogical assemblages suggested a trend of increasing environmental aridity in the study area. This study, therefore, highlighted the role of clay mineralogical investigations in arid lands’ geomorphological and paleoenvironmental researches.  相似文献   
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