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With 80 % of world trade carried by sea, seaports provide crucial linkages in global supply-chains and are essential for the ability of all countries to access global markets. Seaports are likely to be affected directly and indirectly by climatic changes, with broader implications for international trade and development. Due to their coastal location, seaports are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events associated with increasing sea levels and tropical storm activity, as illustrated by hurricane “Sandy”. In view of their strategic role as part of the globalized trading system, adapting ports in different parts of the world to the impacts of climate change is of considerable importance. Reflecting the views of a diverse group of stakeholders with expertise in climate science, engineering, economics, policy, and port management, this essay highlights the climate change challenge for ports and suggests a way forward through the adoption of some initial measures. These include both “soft” and “hard” adaptations that may be spearheaded by individual port entities, but will require collaboration and support from a broad range of public and private sector stakeholders and from society at large. In particular, the essay highlights a need to shift to more holistic planning, investment and operation.  相似文献   
The Rhodiani ophiolites are represented by two tectonically superimposed ophiolitic units: the “lower” Ultramafic unit and the “upper” Volcanic unit, both bearing calcareous sedimentary covers. The Ultramafic unit consists of mantle harzburgites with dunite pods and chromitite ores, and represents the typical mantle section of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) settings. The Volcanic unit is represented by a sheeted dyke complex overlain by a pillow and massive lava sequence, both including basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and dacites. Chemically, the Volcanic unit displays low-Ti affinity typical of island arc tholeiite (IAT) ophiolitic series from SSZ settings, having, as most distinctive chemical features, low Ti/V ratios (< 20) and depletion in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements.The rare earth element and incompatible element composition of the more primitive basaltic andesites from the Rhodiani ophiolites can be successfully reproduced with about 15% non-modal fractional melting of depleted lherzolites, which are very common in the Hellenide ophiolites. The calculated residua correspond to the depleted harzburgites found in the Rhodiani and Othrys ophiolites. Both field and chemical evidence suggest that the whole sequence of the Rhodiani Volcanic unit (from basalt to dacite) originated by low-pressure fractional crystallization under partially open-system conditions. The modelling of mantle source, melt generation, and mantle residua carried out in this paper provides new constraints for the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Mirdita–Pindos oceanic basin.  相似文献   

Shallow water bathymetry has proved to be a challenging task for remote sensing applications. In this work, Green-Wavelength Terrestrial Laser Scanning (GWTLS) is employed to survey nearshore bathymetry under clear atmospheric and water conditions. First, the obtained seabed points were corrected for refraction and then geo-registration, and filtering processes were exerted to obtain an accurate bathymetric surface. Terrain analysis was performed with respect to a reference surface derived from classical surveying techniques. The overall analysis has shown that the best results stem from 35° to 50° incident angles, whereas for angles higher than 65° measurements are not acceptable, although for the same angle in front and close to the instrument accuracy is considered acceptable due to the high laser power. Also, high resolution micro-topography, shallower than 1?m water depth, was managed to be captured. Systematic experimental approaches are expected to improve the GWTLS technique to detect bathymetry, which is anticipated to assist in mapping very shallow foreshore, tidal, and deltaic environments, to contribute conceptual into developing hybrid observation systems for coastal monitoring, and also to be applied in various maritime applications.  相似文献   
The Pindos ophiolitic massif is considered an important key area within the Albanide–Hellenide ophiolitic belt and is represented by two tectonically distinct ophiolitic units: (1) a lower unit, including an intrusive and a volcanic section; and (2) an Upper Ophiolitic Unit, mainly including mantle harzburgites. Both units share similar metamorphic soles and tectono-sedimentary mélanges at their bases.

The intrusive section of the lower unit is composed by an alternation of troctolites with various ultramafic rock-types, including dunites, lherzolites, olivine-websterites, olivine-gabbros, anorthositic gabbros, gabbros and rare gabbronorites.

The volcanic and subvolcanic sequence of the lower unit can geochemically be subdivided into three groups of rocks: (1) basalts and basaltic andesites of the lower pillow section showing a clear high-Ti affinity; (2) basaltic andesites of the upper pillow section with high-Ti affinity, but showing many geochemical differences with respect to the first group; (3) very low-Ti (boninitic) basaltic and basaltic andesitic lava flows separating the lower and upper pillow sections, and dykes widespread throughout the Pindos ophiolites.

These different magmatic groups originated from fractional crystallization from different primary magmas, which were generated, in turn, from partial melting of mantle sources progressively depleted by previous melt extractions. Group 1 volcanics may have derived from partial melting (ca. 20%) of an undepleted lherzolitic source, while group 2 basaltic rocks may have derived from partial melting (ca. 10%) of a mantle that had previously experienced mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) extraction. Finally, the Group 3 boninites may have derived from partial melting (ca. 12–17%) of a mantle peridotite previously depleted by primary melt extraction of Groups 1 and 2 primary melts.

In order to explain the coexistence of these geochemically different magma groups, two petrogenetic models formerly proposed for the Albanian ophiolites are discussed.  相似文献   

We estimated phosphate uptake in an eutrophic and macrophyte-rich Pampean stream, in a basin where dominant land use was agricultural activity. Our hypothesis was that phosphate retention may be linked to macrophyte abundance, especially that of submerged plants. Four short-term constant-rate phosphate addition experiments were carried out in late spring, summer, autumn and winter under different discharge, background phosphate concentration and macrophyte abundance. Changes in added soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration were monitored along the studied reach and corrected for dilution to estimate phosphate uptake length (Sw) and other spiraling metrics (Vf or mass transfer coefficient, and U or nutrient uptake rate). All spiraling metrics indicated a higher SRP retention in spring than in autumn, despite macrophyte cover was similar in both sampling dates (39% and 51%, respectively). Phosphate retention was not detected neither in summer (when macrophyte biomass and especially that of submerged plants was the highest one) nor in winter. Ambient SRP concentrations in the stream were an order of magnitude higher than concentrations observed in pristine streams; nevertheless, under the varying conditions of discharge and phosphate levels observed in our study, we found no retention in summer and winter, a phosphate uptake comparable with those measured in impaired streams in autumn, and with those measured in pristine streams in late spring.  相似文献   
Emilio  Saccani  Adonis  Photiades 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):494-516
Abstract Ophiolitic mélanges associated with ophiolitic sequences are wide spread in the Mirdita–Subpelagonian zone (Albanide–Hellenide Orogenic Belt) and consist of tectonosedimentary ‘block‐in‐matrix‐type’ mélanges. Volcanic and subvolcanic basaltic rocks included in the main mélange units are studied in this paper with the aim of assessing their chemistry and petrogenesis, as well as their original tectonic setting of formation. Basaltic rocks incorporated in these mélanges include (i) Triassic transitional to alkaline within‐plate basalts (WPB); (ii) Triassic normal (N‐MORB) and enriched (E‐MORB) mid‐oceanic ridge basalts; (iii) Jurassic N‐MORB; (iv) Jurassic basalts with geochemical characteristics intermediate between MORB and island arc tholeiites (MORB/IAT); and (v) Jurassic boninitic rocks. These rocks record different igneous activities, which are related to the geodynamic and mantle evolution through time in the Mirdita–Subpelagonian sector of the Tethys. Mélange units formed mainly through sedimentary processes are characterized by the prevalence of materials derived from the supra‐subduction zone (SSZ) environments, whereas in mélange units where tectonic processes prevail, oceanic materials predominate. In contrast, no compositional distinction between structurally similar mélange units is observed, suggesting that they may be regarded as a unique mélange belt extending from the Hellenides to the Albanides, whose formation was largely dominated by the mechanisms of incorporation of the different materials. Most of the basaltic rocks surfacing in the MOR and SSZ Albanide–Hellenide ophiolites are incorporated in mélanges. However, basalts with island arc tholeiitic affinity, although they are volumetrically the most abundant ophiolitic rock types, have not been found in mélanges so far. This implies that the rocks forming the main part of the intraoceanic arc do not seem to have contributed to the mélange formation, whereas rocks presumably formed in the forearc region are largely represented in sedimentary‐dominated mélanges. In addition, Triassic E‐MORB, N‐MORB and WPB included in many mélanges are not presently found in the ophiolitic sequences. Nonetheless, they testify to the existence throughout the Albanide–Hellenide Belt of an oceanic basin since the Middle Triassic.  相似文献   
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