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This paper describes the application of environmental isotopes and injected tracer techniques in estimating the contribution of storms as well as annual precipitation to groundwater recharge and its circulation, in the semi‐arid region of Bagepalli, Kolar district, Karnataka. Environmental isotopes 2H, 18O and 3H were used to study the effect of storms on the hydrological system, and an isotope balance was used to compute the contribution of a storm component to the groundwater. Some of the groundwater samples collected during the post‐storm periods were highly depleted in stable isotope content with higher deuterium excess relative to groundwater from the pre‐storm periods. Significant variation in deuterium excess in groundwater from the same area, collected in two different periods, indicates the different origin of air masses. The estimated recharge component of a storm event of 600 mm to the groundwater was found to be in the range of 117–165 mm. There was no significant variation in environmental tritium content of post‐storm and pre‐storm groundwater, indicating the fast circulation of groundwater in the system. After completion of the environmental isotope work, an injected radiotracer 3H technique was applied to estimate the direct recharge of total precipitation to the groundwater. The estimated recharge to the groundwater is 33 mm of the 550 mm annual precipitation during 1992. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
R. K. Pant N. Basavaiah N. Juyal N. K. Saini M. G. Yadava E. Appel A. K. Singhvi 《第四纪科学杂志》2005,20(5):485-492
The southwest monsoon that dominated Central Himalaya has preserved loessic silt deposits preserved in patches that are proximal to periglacial areas. The occurrence of such silts suggests contemporary prevalence of cold and dry northwesterly winds. Field stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineral magnetism, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon dating has enabled reconstruction of an event chronology during the past 20 ka. Three events of loess accretion could be identified. The first two events of loess deposition occurred betweem 20 and 9 ka and were separated by a phase of moderate weathering. Pedogenesis at the end of this event gave rise to a well‐developed soil that was bracketed around 9 to > 4 ka. This was followed by the third phase of loess accretion that occurred around 4 to > 1 ka. Episodes of loess deposition and soil formation are interpreted in terms of changes in the strength of the Indian southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Analysis of monthly momentum transport of zonal waves at 850 hPa for the period 1979 to 1993, between ‡S and ‡N for January
to April, using zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of wind taken from the ECMWF reanalysis field, shows a positive correlation (.1% level of significance) between
the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (June through September) and the momentum transport of wave zero TM(0) over latitudinal
belt between 25‡S and 5‡N (LB) during March. Northward (Southward) TM(0) observed in March over LB subsequently leads to a
good (drought) monsoon season over India which is found to be true even when the year is marked with the El-Nino event. Similarly
a strong westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March, indicates a good monsoon season for the country, even if the year
is marked with El-Nino. The study thus suggests two predictors, TM(0) over LB and the strength of westerly zone in the Indian
Ocean during March. 相似文献
南海东北部海底沉积物波的形态、粒度特征及物源、成因分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
在南海东北部广泛发育沉积物波。通过高分辨率多波束数据、地震剖面以及重力柱状样,对沉积物波的形态特征、粒度特征、物源以及形成机制进行了分析。研究表明大致以台湾浅滩南海底峡谷为界,北侧为近北东向展布,南侧为近南北向展布。对其分布规律、地貌和形态特征及重力柱状样粒度分析表明这些沉积物波为浊流成因。沉积物波的发育与新生代晚期研究区的构造活动密切相关,自距今6.5 Ma以来台湾造山运动使台湾岛强烈抬升剥蚀,这些剥蚀物为研究区提供了大量的陆源物质,而在南海东北部陆坡区大量发育的峡谷-冲沟系统为陆缘物质向下陆坡的输送提供了良好的通道。研究区西侧的东沙隆起长期处于抬升剥蚀状态,这种抬升剥蚀也为研究区沉积物波的发育提供了部分物源。随着坡度的减缓,浊流沉积物开始堆积,在台湾浅滩南海底峡谷的北侧形成了展布方向与冲沟垂直的沉积物波,而在南侧由于台湾浅滩南海底峡谷发生转向,浊流从水道中漫溢出来,沉积物堆积下来,形成了与原先水道近于垂直的近南北向的沉积物波。 相似文献
研究中国降雨格局变化对理解东亚夏季风演化意义重大。本文分析了珠江三角洲柱状样ZJK03-Z中浅水底栖有孔虫常见种Rotalidium annectens的平均初房大小、微球型/显球型比值和壳体δ18O值,以及底栖有孔虫组合中瓷质壳的百分含量,探讨它们对由夏季风降雨引起的河口水体盐度变化的响应,得到了珠江三角洲3114—1260a BP季风降雨的强度变化,识别出了这期间14次季风降雨减少的偏干期。与南美洲Cariaco海盆的钛含量记录对比,二者一致的结果表明,珠江三角洲晚全新世的东亚夏季风降雨与热带辐合带(ITCZ)的南北移动密切相关:夏季风降雨减少,对应于ITCZ纬度位置的南移。 相似文献
青藏高原隆升对亚洲乃至全球气候演化的影响是古气候学热点问题之一。青藏高原的热力和动力效应一直以来受到人们的广泛重视,其中高原对大气环流的阻碍作用被认为在亚洲冬季气候形成中扮演着极其重要的作用。过去的理论及重建研究大都强调青藏高原主体的贡献,忽略了高原边缘中小尺度地形的可能贡献。以青藏高原北边缘蒙古地形为例,现代大气流场显示蒙古地形对冬季对流层低层西风具有明显的阻碍作用。本研究利用一个海气耦合模式评估了蒙古地形对亚洲冬季气候的影响及其同青藏高原主体的相对贡献。结果显示,蒙古高原地形对亚洲西风急流和东亚冬季风具有非常显著的影响。蒙古高原存在时,东亚大槽加深,日本上空的西风急流增强,东亚冬季风环流也增强。该效应主要源自于亚洲大气热力结构的变化,对流层低层西风在蒙古地形的动力强迫下向北绕流,在下游产生强烈的北风异常,有利于极地冷空气南下。该温度冷平流最终导致西风急流和冬季风环流的响应。值得注意的是,青藏高原主体对西风急流和冬季风的贡献要明显弱于蒙古高原。该结果启示我们,传统认识的青藏高原动力效应可能被一定程度高估,亚洲各地形的动力效应不仅同其规模和高度有关,也与其所处位置有关,处于敏感区域的较小尺度地形同样会对亚洲气候形成有不可忽略的影响。 相似文献
An automatic weather station(AWS) has been installed at the Qomolangma Station of the China Academy of Sciences(QOMS) since 2005, in a northern Himalayan valley near Mount Everest, with an altitude of 4,270 m a.s.l.. Nine years of meteorological records(2006–2014) from the automatic weather station(AWS) were analyzed in this study, aiming to understand the response of local weather to the seasonal transition on the northern slopes of Mount Everest, with consideration of the movement of the subtropical jet(STJ) and the onset of the Indian Summer Monsoon(ISM). We found:(1) Both the synoptic circulation and the orography have a profound influence on the local weather, especially the local circulation.(2) Southwesterly(SW) and southeasterly(SE) winds prevail alternately at QOMS in the afternoon through the year. The SW wind was driven by the STJ during the non-monsoon months, while the SE was induced by the trans-Himalayan flow through the Arun Valley, a major valley to the east of Mount Everest, under a background of weak westerly winds aloft.(3) The response of air temperature(T) and specific humidity(q) to the monsoon onset is not as marked as that of the nearsurface winds. The q increases gradually and reaches a maximum in July when the rainy period begins.(4) The alternation between the SW wind at QOMS and the afternoon SE wind in the pre-monsoon season signals the northward shift of the STJ and imminent monsoon onset. The average interval between these two events is 14 days. 相似文献
Extreme Late Quaternary climatic events, sometimes of considerable continental extent, are being proposed as major contributors to ancestral human behaviour, particularly migration, in Africa. Most recently, a catastrophic drought in the Afro‐Asian monsoon region has been proposed for 16 000–17 000 years ago, driven by global impacts of the Heinrich event 1 (H1), with potentially significant consequences for Palaeolithic cultures. We provide a new analysis of the assertion and find, on examination of a wide set of palaeoenvironmental records, that the scale and extent of the proposed drought is not supported. While some parts of the African tropics, close to the equator, do appear dry at this time, data for the tropics as a whole suggest markedly variable terrestrial conditions, with some environmental systems experiencing very positive hydrological excursions during H1. We contend that in the quest for evidence of climate drivers of ancestral human behaviour, the variability associated with spatially and temporally complex climatic conditions is a significant factor in itself. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Palynological records in cores C4 and B106 from the Gulf of Tonkin reveal signals of paleo-monsoon and paleoenvironmental change during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Before ∼ 13.4 cal kyr BP, the Gulf of Tonkin was exposed to the atmosphere and covered by grassland. Starting at ∼ 11.7 cal kyr BP, the Gulf of Tonkin was inundated by brackish water, indicated by the appearance of the brackish algae Cleistosphaeridium, Sentusidinium and Spiniferites, a decrease of herb content, and an increase of Pinus. After Hainan Island was completely separated from the Leizhou Peninsula by Qiongzhou Strait at ∼ 8.5 cal kyr BP, a continuous marine sedimentary environment was found. The current patterns were similar to those of the present, with a general trend of current homogenization reflected by gradually decreasing quantities of Quercus pollen and a narrowing gap between the palynological concentrations of the southern and northern parts of the region. The data suggest that three short periods of strengthened winter monsoons and currents were centered at ∼ 6.0 cal kyr BP, ∼ 2.7 cal kyr BP and ∼ 0.2 cal kyr BP and that two short periods of strengthened summer monsoons and currents were centered at ∼ 7.5 cal kyr BP and ∼ 3.4 cal kyr BP. 相似文献
With the analysis of the sources and formation mechanism of the clay minerals in the sediment core from the Dalianhai lake in the Gonghe Basin,northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau,clay mineral composition proxies,grain-size and carbonate contents have been employed for high-resolution study in order to reconstruct East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) over the northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau during the lastdeglacial.The study also extended to establish a relationship between vegetation cover changes and erosion during the last 14.5 ka with pollen record and clay mineral proxies.Smectite/kaolinite and smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratios allow us to assess hydrolysis conditions in lowlands and/or physical erosion process in highlands of the Gonghe Basin.Before 12.9 Cal ka BP,both mineralogical ratios show low values indicative of strong physical erosion in the basin with a dominant cold and dry phase.After 12.9 Cal ka BP,an increase in both mineralogical ratios indicates enhanced chemical weathering in the basin associated with a warm and humid climate.The beginning of Holocene is characterized by high smectite/(illite+chlorite) and smectite/kaolinite ratios that is synchronous as with deposition of many peat laminae,implying the best warm and humid conditions specifically between 8.0 to 5.5 Cal ka BP.The time interval after 5.0 Cai ka BP is characterized by a return to high physical erosion and low chemical weathering with dry climate conditions in the basin.Comparing variations of clay mineral assemblages with previous pollen results,we observe a rapid response in terms of chemical weathering and physical erosion intensity to a modification of the vegetation cover in the basin. 相似文献