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土壤干湿交替促进硒酸盐的还原作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集不同类型的新鲜土壤,经处理获得其风干、烘干的样品,重新潮湿后,加入一定量的Na2SeO4溶液,进行了培育实验(incubationexperiments)。实验结果表明,随着土壤干燥程度的增加,硒酸盐还原作用的速度也随之加快。这进一步证实,作为一种地球化学营力的土壤干湿交替,通过对土壤水势(soilwaterpotential)、微生物群落等的影响,间接地促进了硒酸盐还原作用,因而成为硒生物地球化学循环的驱动力之一。  相似文献   
浅谈中国后奥运时期选择性旅游的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大众旅游一直追求经济利益最大化给旅游接待地造成了严重的生态环境破坏,因此人们开始寻求新的旅游形式,选择性旅游应运而生。选择性旅游积极倡导真正意义上的生态旅游。该文研究的主要内容是中国在后奥运这样的特殊时期如何开展选择性旅游,选择性旅游一方面能尽量避免大众旅游所带来的生态环境破坏,另一方面能更好地适应各个国家不同旅游者到中国旅游求新求异的特点。通过对后奥运时期旅游趋势以及旅游市场的分析,中国在后奥运时期开展选择性旅游具有可行性。优先开展选择性旅游,可促进旅游的可持续性发展。  相似文献   
Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm, Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation, rill cannot happen within the top 50 m, while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation, rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   
四川盆地深部地壳结构——深地震反射剖面探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

四川盆地位于扬子地块的西北部,被褶皱构造带所围绕,受周缘构造带的侧向挤压作用,盆地卷入了多期次和多边界的构造变形,为开展盆山耦合作用及多边界、多期次构造叠加与复合关系的研究提供了不可多得的理想野外实验室.为揭示四川盆地地壳结构,本文通过对3条不同时间采集的深地震反射剖面数据进行拼接联线处理,获得跨越四川盆地的330 km深地震反射偏移成果剖面,揭示了四川盆地地壳上地幔细结构:沉积层从西北向东南逐渐变薄,在龙门山前沉积层厚度超过15 km,在华蓥山下沉积层减薄到~8 km,且褶皱变形形成华蓥山薄皮褶皱冲断带;莫霍面出现在13~15 s(双程走时),埋深约40~45 km;并发现从下地壳延伸至地幔的东南向的倾斜反射,从13 s向下延伸至18 s,结合四川盆地及其周边地区其他地球物理和地球化学花岗岩同位素年龄等资料,我们认为这些倾斜反射层是扬子克拉通地台西北缘发生的新元古代俯冲的遗迹.

For those interested in ethical research, quantitative methods are often dismissed as apolitical; as unreflective exercises in ‘mere counting’. If, however, in doing research, we bring into being the very worlds we purport to describe, the question begs: what kinds of worlds might quantitative methods bring into being? Is there space for a reflexive, quantitative research agenda? In this paper, I will discuss an action-based predominantly quantitative research project that aimed to investigate the diverse impacts of sustainable agriculture on small-scale farmers in the Philippines. The study, one of the largest ever undertaken on organic rice production, was consciously designed, not merely to describe, but to perform organic agriculture differently. While most quantitative, and indeed much qualitative, research ignores its performativity, this research was intended to enact a reality of sustainable agriculture as a viable and vital alternative to mainstream, capitalist agriculture.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(7):662-682
Complementary and alternative medical approaches such as chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, holistic, and naturopathic therapies act as complements to, and in some cases replacements for, conventional medical techniques. The growing acceptance of the benefits of "traditional" medicine in the Canadian province of Ontario continues to provide complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners with business opportunities, but to date little attention has been directed toward the spatial patterns exhibited by these operations. A province-wide database of 4,599 records, containing addresses and selected characteristics (e.g., sales, employment) of CAM offices, is utilized to describe the geographic pattern across Ontario. An additional database allows for the assessment of four intermediate-sized census metropolitan areas (CMAs) in Ontario (Kingston, Guelph, Thunder Bay, and Greater Sudbury), and it is determined (using a general nearest neighbor analysis and a nearest neighbor hierarchical clustering procedure) that CAM offices are significantly clustered in specific portions of each CMA. The results from a survey administered to CAM practitioners suggests that the benefits of urbanization economies are biasing location decisions within these CMAs, and that localization economies advantages appear to be influencing complementary and alternative healthcare specialists to share offices.  相似文献   
This study examines the challenges of achieving sustainable management of the world's largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, in Bangladesh. The Sundarbans is currently managed by the Bangladesh Department of Forest, under a state property‐rights regime, while our study explores an alternative property‐rights regime. We employed a mixed‐method approach to examine the prospects of alternative management and livelihood strategies to achieve sustainability. Both focus groups and household surveying were used to assess the opportunities for, and barriers to, achieving sustainability. It was found that two conflicting groups—forest‐dependent communities and foresters—are responsible for policy failures due to the absence of power‐sharing arrangements, nor is it likely a common property‐rights regime will be enough to cap degradation and achieve sustainability, while supply‐and‐demand policy interventions may well could help achieve sustainable management of the Sundarbans.  相似文献   

The poor performance of Pacific students at university is a concern for every level of society. Conventional models of teaching, learning and assessment have overlooked the cultural background of students, yet the effects of this oversight have been disastrous, alienating and disempowering. Studies of and developments in education in the Pacific and elsewhere offer opportunities to rethink the methods of teaching, learning and assessment of Pacific students in ways that are congruent with their home culture. Informed by the principle of so’a lau pule (the Samoan concept of consensus through consultation and conversation) and ethnographic research methods, this study describes an attempt to rethink ways of teaching, learning and assessing student performance in a third-year course on Resource Conservation and Management in the School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment at the University of the South Pacific. Introduced in 2007, the Student Innovative Contribution to Knowledge (SICK) allows students to participate in key decisions concerning teaching, learning and assessment. SICK is grounded in the principles of inclusiveness and participation. It takes account of the skills and abilities of Pacific students and is aligned with the philosophical basis of Pacific cultures. One hundred and fifty-eight students took part in this study over a 5-year period. Analysis was based on students’ written reviews of the semester’s work, in-depth conversation with individual students and the end-of-the-course evaluation. The findings show that, while students embrace the need for non-conventional forms of teaching, learning and assessment, the most frequently cited responses for non-participation are poor time management and varying perceptions of what is considered an innovative assessment. This study shows that understanding the cultural background of students is critical to creating culturally inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   
青藏高原岩石圈三维电性结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

本文报道通过综合大地电磁调查数据研究青藏高原岩石圈三维电阻率模型的初步成果.大地电磁法调查区域已经覆盖了高原大部分面积,为全区三维电阻率成像研究打下了可靠的基础.对多个测区大地电磁数据进行精细的同化处理和反演成像,取得了青藏高原可靠的岩石圈三维电阻率结构图像.成像的区域为28°N—35°N,80°E—104°E.三维反演计算时采用的网格尺寸为20 km×20 km,垂直方向不等间距剖分为26层.结果表明,青藏高原现今岩石圈电阻率扰动主要反映印度克拉通对亚欧大陆板块俯冲引起的热流体运动和大陆碰撞和拆离产生的构造.在岩石圈地幔,察隅地块、喜马拉雅地块和拉萨地块东部联成统一的高电阻率地块,它们反映了向北东俯冲的印度克拉通.雅鲁藏布江、班公—怒江和金沙江缝合带都有明显的低电阻率异常,表明岩石圈深处有热流体活动.雅鲁藏布江、班公—怒江和金沙江缝合带都有明显的低电阻率异常,也表明它们的岩石圈还有流体活动.青藏高原东部的低阻区沿100°E向地幔下方扩大,反映了金沙江断裂带有切穿岩石圈的趋势.地幔电阻率平面扰动的模式显示,青藏高原东西部的地体碰撞拼合形式和方向是不同的.在青藏高原西部,羌塘、拉萨和喜马拉雅等地体从北到南碰撞拼合.在青藏高原东部,羌塘—拉萨、察隅、印支、雅安和扬子等地体多方向拆离拼合,在地壳造成不正交的拆离带和压扭构造系.从高阻-低阻区的分布看,东部的地体拼合有地幔的根源,今后还会进一步发展.察隅地块岩石圈对青藏高原东部的楔入,使其北部和东部地块的岩石圈发生拆离撕裂,也造成热流体上涌的低电阻率异常.

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