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Stress wave attenuation across fractured rock masses is a great concern of underground structure safety. When the wave amplitude is large, fractures experience nonlinear deformation during the wave propagation. This paper presents a study on normal transmission of P‐wave across parallel fractures with nonlinear deformational behaviour (static Barton–Bandis model). The results show that the magnitude of transmission coefficient is a function of incident wave amplitude, nondimensional fracture spacing and number of fractures. Two important indices of nondimensional fracture spacing are identified, and they divide the area of nondimensional fracture spacing into three parts (individual fracture area, transition area and small spacing area). In the different areas, the magnitude of transmission coefficient has different trends with nondimensional fracture spacing and number of fractures. In addition, the study reveals that under some circumstances, the magnitude of transmission coefficient increases with increasing number of fractures, and is larger than 1. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the frame of 2D-static problems one approaches the problem of elastic-NRT (not-resisting tension) semi-plane loaded on its limit line. This problem is intended to model the stress situation induced in the soil by a foundation structure. The solution, in terms of activated stress field, is searched for in the class of stress fields satisfying equilibrium and admissibility conditions, by applying an energy approach. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The response of an ideal elastic half‐space to a line‐concentrated impulsive vector shear force applied momentarily is obtained by an analytical–numerical computational method based on the theory of characteristics in conjunction with kinematical relations derived across surfaces of strong discontinuities. The shear force is concentrated along an infinite line, drawn on the surface of the half‐space, while being normal to that line as well as to the axis of symmetry of the half‐space. An exact loading model is introduced and built into the computational method for this shear force. With this model, a compatibility exists among the prescribed applied force, the geometric decay of the shear stress component at the precursor shear wave, and the boundary conditions of the half‐space; in this sense, the source configuration is exact. For the transient boundary‐value problem described above, a wave characteristics formulation is presented, where its differential equations are extended to allow for strong discontinuities which occur in the material motion of the half‐space. A numerical integration of these extended differential equations is then carried out in a three‐dimensional spatiotemporal wavegrid formed by the Cartesian bicharacteristic curves of the wave characteristics formulation. This work is devoted to the construction of the computational method and to the concepts involved therein, whereas the interpretation of the resultant transient deformation of the half‐space is presented in a subsequent paper. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a numerical model for predicting the dynamic response of rock mass subjected to large‐scale underground explosion. The model is calibrated against data obtained from large‐scale field tests. The Hugoniot equation of state for rock mass is adopted to calculate the pressure as a function of mass density. A piecewise linear Drucker–Prager strength criterion including the strain rate effect is employed to model the rock mass behaviour subjected to blast loading. A double scalar damage model accounting for both the compression and tension damage is introduced to simulate the damage zone around the charge chamber caused by blast loading. The model is incorporated into Autodyn3D through its user subroutines. The numerical model is then used to predict the dynamic response of rock mass, in terms of the peak particle velocity (PPV) and peak particle acceleration (PPA) attenuation laws, the damage zone, the particle velocity time histories and their frequency contents for large‐scale underground explosion tests. The computed results are found in good agreement with the field measured data; hence, the proposed model is proven to be adequate for simulating the dynamic response of rock mass subjected to large‐scale underground explosion. Extended numerical analyses indicate that, apart from the charge loading density, the stress wave intensity is also affected, but to a lesser extent, by the charge weight and the charge chamber geometry for large‐scale underground explosions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于布放在南海东北部陆坡海域的5套潜标观测到的内孤立波波列数据和孤立波扰动KdV(PKdV)理论,研究内孤立波在趋浅陆架上的传播特征。得出如下结果:1)观测到的内孤立波属于C型内孤立波,即平均重现周期为(23.41±0.31)h。2)内孤立波在西传爬坡过程中,其振幅表现为先增大后减小再增大,与该海域温跃层深度的变化趋势一致;由观测数据和理论计算得到的孤立波振幅增长率(SAGR)数值接近,表明该海域的内孤立波的振幅变化可以采用由孤立波PKdV方程导出的趋浅温跃层理论来描述。3)随着水深变浅,内孤立波传播方向向北偏移,传播速度减小,即在A,B和D站位,传播方向分别为279°,296°和301°,偏转角度达22°;传播速度分别为2.36,2.23和1.47 m/s,减小38%。  相似文献   
珊瑚岛礁海岸波流动力复杂、地貌形态特殊、工程响应未知, 波浪传播变形和波生环流对建筑物安全、地形地貌演变、防灾减灾和生态环境保护都有重要影响。本文从大范围大洋海脊导波与岛礁波浪俘获、中等尺度的礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统波流特性、建筑物前沿的局部波流特性及工程响应等三种不同空间尺度上综述了波流运动特性研究的新进展, 主要包括深水大范围的海脊波浪引导与岛礁波浪俘获的理论解析、礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统整体物理模型实验、基于大水槽实验的建筑物影响下波流演化过程及越浪量和波浪力计算方法, 并提出亟需深入研究的重点内容。  相似文献   
基于对非饱和多孔介质的研究成果,考虑孔隙中的液相和气相的相互影响,研究非饱和土地基中剪切S波的传播特性。通过非饱和土中固相、液相和气相的质量平衡方程、动量平衡方程和非饱和土有效应力原理,建立问题的弹性波动方程,经过理论推导给出非饱和土中剪切S波的弥散特征方程。通过数值算例分析剪切S波的波速和衰减系数随饱和度、频率和固有渗透系数等因素的变化规律。结果表明,剪切S波的波速几乎不受饱和度的影响,但其随着频率的增大而减小,随着固有渗透系数的增大先不变后增大;剪切S波的衰减系数随着饱和度和频率的增加均增大,而随着固有渗透系数的增大先不变后增大最后减小。  相似文献   
-The hydrodynamic forces on a smooth inclined circular cylinder exposed to oscillating flow were experimentally investigated at Reynolds number (Re) in the range 40000-200000 and Keulegan-Capenter number (KC) in the interval from 5-40. In the test, Re number and KC number were varied systematically. The inertia force coefficient (Cu) and the drag force coefficient (CD) in Morison equation were determined from the measured loads and the water particle kinematics. In this analysis a modified form of Morison equation was used since it uses the normal velocity and acceleration. Thus, the applicability of the Cross Flow Principle was assumed. This principle, simply stated, is as follows: the force acting in the direction normal to the axis of a cylinder placed at some oblique angle with the direction of flow is expressed in terms of the normal component of flow only, and the axial component is disregarded. Both the total in-line force coefficient (CF) and transverse force (lift) coefficient (Cf) were analyzed  相似文献   
转换波方位各向异性裂缝检测技术研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HTI裂缝各向异性介质中,转换波随方位角的变化比较复杂,目前还没有解析公式可以表达其变化特征,只能通过物理实验或数值模拟来分析其应用的可能性.数值模拟结果表明,转换波在裂缝各向异性介质中传播时,其R分量和T分量的振幅属性都具有明显的方位各向异性特征,R分量振幅方位各向异性拟合椭圆的长轴方向指示裂缝方位,这与纵波方位各向异性特征相似;根据P波AVAZ方位各向异性分析原理,对转换波R分量振幅方位各向异性曲线进行方位椭圆拟合,寻找椭圆的长轴方向,即裂缝主方位,再由P波AVAZ技术中振幅响应与炮检方向和裂缝走向之间的夹角关系式得到裂缝的发育密度,从而构建转换波方位各向异性AVAZ裂缝检测技术.该技术已用于川西新场气田某区块的裂缝储层预测,取得了较好的应用效果.  相似文献   
Curvelet变换及其在地震波场分离中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小波多尺度分析可以有效处理一维信号的点奇异特征,但对于二维信号的线奇异特征,小波变换显得无能为力。Curvelet多尺度变换可以对时空信号进行最稀疏表达,能够获得最优的非线性逼近。通过分析地震信号在Curvelet域三维空间的特征,认为时空信号的不同波组成分在Curvelet域存在明显的差异,可以从频率、角度和空间位置实现有效反射波和干扰波的分离。理论模型与实际单炮记录处理结果表明,Curvelet域方法在分离干扰波、突出反射波的同时,可以较好地保持有效波信息,保真度好。  相似文献   
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